Landing : Athabascau University

Edu-Blogging Skills Checklist

Note to Self: This is a crucial post as it identifies the critical blogging skills, and sets up a framework for independent bloggers to use when setting up their own blogging skills checklist. This list can be used for effective self-assessment.

This is a description of blogging processes for autonomous bloggers (self-regulated learners). This set of activities learners require practice to become confident, effective student bloggers within groups, networks and collectives (Anderson, Dron, 2009).


  1. Tagging posts-selecting/using categories
  2. Developing/planning sequenced posts;
  3. Creating linked (interconnected) posts;
  4. Writing posts using running titles;
  5. Self-linking (writing short posts interconnected by links);
  6. Follow-up thinking, (from reflections on actions);
  7. Addendums, serial revisions
  8. Incorporating feedback; feedback summaries
  9. Incorporating Twitter tweets into posts
  10. Planning/recording podcasts
  11. Capturing images/flow-charts;
  12. Releasing/brainstorming/generating ideas;
  13. Dormant content (value becomes important in retrospect);
  14. Active content (information used for task at hand);
  15. Shared content (of potential use to future self, or to public)


  1. Use of RSS feeds; feed readers
  2. Following bibliographic sources to online journal articles
  3. Drawing on online community resources
  4. Engaging in or listening to/watching archived learning events


  1. Selecting examplars for one's own blog-roll
  2. Determining a Vision/Mission
  3. Identifying Zones of Concern (System 1 spaces)(personal space-FaceBook; Me2U student; Intranet (College Instructor)
  4. Developing and Identifying; coordinating rules for managing activities within zones (System 2: Coordinating Features)
  5. Monitoring Activities (Routines and Rituals)


  1. Scanning tag clouds
  2. Searching archives
  3. Adding annotated bookmarks
  4. Searching categories
  5. Searching through annotated bookmarks
  6. Scanning through posts for quotes, references, links, key words and phrases


  1. Culling RSS feeds
  2. Deleting/revising annotated links
  3. Moving/revising comments attached to posts as feedback post summaries
  4. Identifying visitor activity using log files
  5. Opening additional blog(s) to migrate showcase posts
  6. Changing style template
  7. Updating new plugins/widgets on blog application
  8. Reviewing/revising/adding/deleting post tags and categories