Landing : Athabascau University

Learning Analytics Open Course First Impressions

The Learning Analytics course has just begun, and as usual I feel completely overwhelmed, like I've bitten off more than I can chew.

So I'm going to try and use this blog as my thinking space.  Here we go:

First impressions:

Where do I start?:  I may be a little slow, but this course seemd to have a lot of moving pieces right off the top.  I somehow managed to miss the first Friday session completely! I was comforted this morning when some people I passed the course info onto also got confused. (If anyone is reading this and looking for a place to start, I suggest the Moodle site.)  I realize that this partly because I have a very narrow concept of what a "course" really consists of - but that is a topic for another day...

7:32 pm  in whose time zone?:  I live in the Pacific time zone, as far as I can tell, to the WEst of me there is an awful lot of ocean.  So I had to smile when my Moodle bits posted at 9:32 pm were posted on the site as 7:32.  I guess I finally have found a way to squeeze another couple hours out of my day!

This should be fun:  I'm excited and think this will be an opportunity to learn a lot, but I'm also looking forward to connecting with others in the field and having some fun with this all.

Let's see where this takes goes...


  • Caroline Park January 11, 2011 - 8:30am


    I had momentarily thought of being a part of this course but decided, A. I didn't have the time and B. these MOOC courses are difficult for "goal directed" people like me.

    I will follow the happenings through your blog if you keep at it ;-)

    Have fun learning.