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Unit 7 - Using External Data Sources

  • Public
By Jasmin Gallant in the group COMP 266 September 8, 2019 - 3:46pm

I followed some tutorials on Traversy media and went with the tutorials on w3schools and fix my email form to send data through the php file. 



I was able to go through my email form combining ajax and jQuery libraries with pure JavaScript with some help from and some php understanding with w3schools. I learned pretty useful functions like append(), html() and done() for my mail form. I found help online for this implementation with other websites as well but I don’t remember the link.






For security with email form, use POST as w3schools as it will prevent users to eventually get spammed or other bad things that could happen if people catch their emails.

From w3schools:

Notes on POST:

  • Appends form-data inside the body of the HTTP request (data is not shown is in URL)
  • Has no size limitations
  • Form submissions with POST cannot be bookmarked


I had some problems trying to clear the form after the message sends but using


fixed that issue

from: https:*//



I followed:


I was able to implement a simple PHP file using variables via HTTP POST and using the mail() function for my mail form in the contact page with the help of stack overflow, w3schools.



I read the documentation on the twitter from:



For my Twitter, I want to create a twitter app in my developers account to control the amount of tweets received to a certain amount of recent tweets using JavaScript. my account is still pending to get my consumer key.


I have put a timeline on the page so people can see my tweets and access it, also the users who are interested to comment on my reviews can use the button tweet to @exp_beauty to send me tweets.

I followed some tutorials on Traversy media and went with the tutorials on w3schools and fix my email form to send data through the php file. 



I was able to go through my email form combining ajax and jQuery libraries with pure JavaScript with some help from and some php understanding with w3schools. I learned pretty useful functions like append(), html() and done() for my mail form. I found help online for this implementation with other websites as well but I don’t remember the link.






For security with email form, use POST as w3schools as it will prevent users to eventually get spammed or other bad things that could happen if people catch their emails.

From w3schools:

Notes on POST:

  • Appends form-data inside the body of the HTTP request (data is not shown is in URL)
  • Has no size limitations
  • Form submissions with POST cannot be bookmarked

I had some problems trying to clear the form after the message sends but using


fixed that issue

from: https:*//



I followed:


I was able to implement a simple PHP file using variables via HTTP POST and using the mail() function for my mail form in the contact page with the help of stack overflow, w3schools.



I read the documentation on the twitter from:



For my Twitter, I want to create a twitter app in my developers account to control the amount of tweets received to a certain amount of recent tweets using JavaScript. my account is still pending to get my consumer key.

I have put a timeline on the page so people can see my tweets and access it, also the users who are interested to comment on my reviews can use the button tweet to @exp_beauty to send me tweets.