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SCIE 326 - Summary

  • Public
By Xing Li September 29, 2019 - 7:48pm
Sum of Time   Column Labels      
Row Labels Activity Specific May Jun Jul Aug Grand Total
SCIE326 Unit 11   29 203   232
    7 41 155     196
    3 162 22     184
    13     119 57 176
    6 137 14     151
    15       148 148
    5 48 81     129
    9   125     125
    2 114       114
    14       109 109
    8   105     105
    1 103       103
    4 79 20     99
    12     65   65
    10   61     61
  essay (blank) 242 256 141 454 1093
  Revision (blank)     201 299 500
  Exam (blank)     180 165 345
  study guide (blank) 19       19
SCIE326 Total   945 868 909 1232 3954


This course took me 66 hours, and the essay took me 18 hours. I read all of the material in the study guide and took notes for all learning outcome and questions. Around 20% of the book was read.

Most contents are abstract, despite many stories and examples being provided. I think I’m only interested in 30% of the contents. I doubt that scientific reasoning can be taught. I think It’s more a skill requiring continuous practices.


I think the most interesting part is the long assay. I had invested on Tesla stock, so I chose to research when full self-driving would be realized. I collected material from around 30 articles and made an estimate that it would be ready by the end of 2021. To my surprise, this essay is graded 95.


I read a book Mathematical Universe when I learned scientific reasoning. The same content was presented in a more interesting way in the book. This helps me to continue reading the text which is a bit boring.


Everything is based on memory, so it’s very helpful to recite the notes in the last several days. I recited about 3 times.


Overall, I get A (86). This is the first course of liberal arts that I get A, so I’m satisfied.