Landing : Athabascau University

The Art of Creating an Outline

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By Lauren Dodd February 4, 2020 - 7:13pm

Creating an outline for a paper is an important step in the process in order to ensure organization, cohesion among points and a paper that flows. While I understand that this step is very important, I also ask myself when the last time was that I created a proper outline. In highschool, creating an outline was something that I did naturally due to the requirement of the "hamburger-style essay". As I continued in my undergraduate degree, I feel as though somewhere along the line, I stopped creating outlines prior diving into writing an essay. I wonder why I stopped creating outlines; as I understand how it could save me the time of going back and forth to ensure that points are flowing from one to the next and that my thoughts are organized in an appropriate manner. Following an outline, would take the guesswork out.