Landing : Athabascau University on this year's "most ironic Oscar winner"

This is worth wider notice: a Question Copyright post that points out the irony in Trent Reznor's win of the Oscar award on Sunday for "best original score," since the score in question, for The Social Network, openly borrows Edvard Grieg's "Mountain King" masterpiece -- and since Reznor himself is, as the article details, "a musician who has capitalized on remix culture":

[Reznor's] an Oscar winner [...] thanks to the same interest group responsible for the remarkably effective industry capture of national and international lawmakers with respect to copyright issues. [...] With its sinister melody and increasingly frenetic pace, “In the Hall of the Mountain King” would make the perfect theme song for Hollywood’s escalating efforts to impose its supramaximalist view of copyright on the entire globe. Yet on Sunday, Hollywood gave its highest award to the poster child for remix culture.

And here I thought I'd never find anything at all of any interest whatsoever in the Oscars, that annual, over-exposed orgy of interminable self-congratulation, where the super-elite bow down before the one they serve to get what they "deserve."


Cross-posted from Academicalism
