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AWS Educate -- Credits bite me

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By Gerald Abshez October 25, 2020 - 5:38pm

Just after I blogged, I went to check on my AWS Educate instance, and it was DOWN, ugh.

It turns out I'd run out of credits.

So, this is bad -- because there should be SOME notification that you are close to running out of credits, and there isn't.

But also, there is no real way on the AWS Educate site to know what you are being charged for, or what your burn rate is. (The billing panel is not accessible, and the "credits" piece is all estimated).

The saving grace is you can ask for an "emergency" one time credit of $20, which I'll be using to back up all of my data -- but there should be a way to more accurately track this stuff. This is Amazon after all, you'd hope they'd be more on top of this.