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Group members: this is the place for your learning diary. Use this to post your zipped-up site at least once each unit, and your reflections as often as you wish (at least once per unit). Please write your reflections directly in the post, not as attached files. Where you do need to attach documents, such as for unit 1 designs, use PDF, PNG or JPG formats. You can attach files using the 'Embed content' link in the editor.

QUICK COURSE LINKS:  Add blog post - Read latest group postsFAQs: Course process : Site design : HTML : CSS : JavaScript : JQuery : AJAX : MiscPodcasts for each unit

Updated resource pages:  Unit 1 - Unit 2  - Unit 3Units 4 & 5 - Unit 6 - Unit 7

mportant notice: the student web server is unavailable. Until this is fixed, we do not require you to upload your site to the student server. See Running a web server on your local machine for details of how to meet the requirements for the final unit

Unit 5: Javascript ideas

  • Public
By Brent Beaudry in the group COMP 266 November 9, 2020 - 2:01pm

The  ideas for javascript are interactive activities for students that focus on grammar and vocabulary skills for young students, one of the three primary demographics for the site.

1) the first activity is a color and shape identification activity. Three shapes are shown on the page (circle, square, and triangle), and the student must click on each shape to reveal a color for that shape. The student can then drag words for each color and shape from a list to fill on the blanks (eg The [circle] is [red]).

2) the second activity expands on the first, and includes noun/verb identification. It's a simple activity that has three simple sentences in which the nouns turn blue and  the verbs turn green when the mouse hovers over the word. The student then answers the questions: Which words were nouns? What color were the nouns? Which words are verbs? What color were the verbs?

3) the third is activity is for a student to click in a word or syllable (combination of letters, eg. "wa", "we", "wi", "wo", "wu") to hear the sound that the syllable/letter combination makes. This particularly applies to indigenous students learning their native language, due to the syllabic nature of the language, but for this exercise I will simply use the letter combinations above, using recordings I make myself).