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Philosophy, bro!

I've been reading a lot of philosophy, lately. I've been reading mostly out of genuine interest, but partially to get my mind back into academic mode.

Yesterday, while scrolling around MetaFilter, I came across Philosophy Bro

Philosophy Bro is a bro. He likes philosophy. He summarizes the ideas of various philosophers in the language of the "bro." It is foul-mouthed and hilarious. Take, for example, this excerpt from his summary of John Stuart Mill's "What Utilitarianism Is":

For some reason dudes keep insisting that there's more to life than pleasure. And to them I say, "Really? Like what?" When they start listing shit like literature and the arts and human excellence, I know they're not paying attention because all of those things are pleasurable. Why the fuck would anyone read Aristotle unless they got pleasure from it?

It's not exactly putting my mind into academic mode, but it's certainly quite entertaining. It's also a surprisingly decent way to be reminded of (or introduced to) the basic ideas presented by the various philosophers the site has write-ups on. The novel approach to summarizing philosophy is actually helping to jump start my brain, even as I laugh out loud at the absurdity of the writing style that the author uses.


Works Cited:

J Will, L. D. (n.d.). Urban Dictionary: bro. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from Urban Dictionary:

Bro, P. (2011, January 25). John Stuart Mill's "What Utilitarianism Is": A Summary. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from Philosophy Bro:


  • Mark A. McCutcheon June 21, 2011 - 1:02pm

    The blog is obviously no substitute for reading the originals (though it purports to be, which I'd be wary of for a few reasons), but that said it's a great find. What it has going for it is a commitment to bring philosophy to an audience imagined as hostile to it, so it's a great experiment in translating and popularizing complex philosophical problems. I like the outline of transhumanism:

    As soon as we invent the technology, we can upload our minds into fucking battle-mechas if we want and just go the fuck to town. We can ditch the body pretty much ASAP.  Badass, right?


  • Adam Snider June 21, 2011 - 1:21pm

    While the blog's tagline does suggest that it's intended as a substitute for the original texts, I think that's just part of the persona the author is using. Looking at the Recommendations page, I get the impression that the author doesn't seriously want people to use his site as a substitution for the originals; he appears to hope that they'll be insprised to read "actual" philosophy after reading his blog.

    Also: the reference to battle-mechas is pretty great.

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