Landing : Athabascau University

Assignment 6 feedback

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By Dimitre Todorov January 19, 2012 - 9:24pm Comments (1)


Unit 6 was very helpful and easy to understand material. Although cause and effect assignment felt like an easy task, I realized from my mark that I am far from being close to a good result yet. Going through the lessons is not difficult, but writing and using your own ideas is a completely different story. I feel that I am improving, but that still cannot reflect on my accomplishment. Next assignment will be an essay, so I expect to be the hardest part of the course. It will be definitely challenging but I am really excited and looking forward to that.



  • Cara Gratton January 20, 2012 - 5:05pm

    Hi Dimitre,

    You might find it helpful to choose a topic every day and write as much as you can in five or ten minutes. In a very short time, you will write twice as much as when you started. Choose ordinary topics such as water, ice, noses, hair, buttons, etc. Like anything, the more we do something, the better we get.