Ah where do I begin when there are so many paths that may never end.
Whether something is innate or can be taught is a never ending debate.
Designing a learning environment that makes sense from nonsense may not be self-evident.
Examine the following picture to see if you can make immediate sense of the information:
TO CRASH IN ? perhaps also means “TO SMASH IN” or “TO BREAK IN”
Based on the definition of “crash” it appears there is a collision but does this describe the action that must occur to retrieve the fire extinguisher hose and operate it?
In another hotel confusion often occurs due to security access operation. Here is how the message is presented to clients:
Note position of instructions on upper right corner destined to connect with device in lower left corner. It is noteworthy that the non-smoking label has prominent visibility. There is no indication of which device is the card reader or how to use the box in lower left corner … it is assumed that the message in the upper right is related to bottom left device. The message reads:
The aforementioned instructions appears to be a simple operation but if not clearly understood, you will be left standing in a motionless elevator. Fortunately a preemptive instructional message is verbally communicated by the hostess upon receiving a card.
My overall observation is that intelligent design in nature is not automatic in human environments.
Original: http://on-linelearning.ca/agora/deal/2015/03/27/lost-in-translation/
By: admin
Posted: March 27, 2015, 3:08 am
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