Landing : Athabascau University

Inisde - Bo Burnham

Week 5 from of COMP650 saw us looking into cyberbullying and general abuse online.  This led me down some interesting rabbit holes, a lot of which were centered around self-worth/self identification and how the internet has implicated those in the past few decades.  Certainly the topic of depression and how cyberbullying and self-identification online are very much directly linked aspects to the increase in depression in youths in recent years. 

A lot of these themes are front in center in Bo Burnham's new special called 'Inside' which is available on Netflix.  Full disclosure, this is a 'comedy' special (really more performance art than comedy) that has a lot of NSFW content.  It was written, performed, filmed and edited entirely by Bo Burnham in a little guest room in his house during the lock down of 2020.

It is one of the most creative pieces of art I have ever watched and deals with themes of depression and self worth/identity and the impacts the internet and the digital world has on all of us (especially during the lock down). 

This special isn't for everyone, but if you're so inclined I highly recommend you check it out.  A very artsy, sometimes funny, sometimes jarring look at some themes very central to the topics in this course.


  • Jon Dron October 18, 2021 - 3:55pm

    I enjoyed this, too, and I didn't make the connection with last week's work: thanks for the reminder. For those not wanting to watch (or wanting to know more about it) there's an overview of the special at

    When my kids came to have a look at my half-finished new office (formerly bedroom) a couple of weeks ago they observed that it looked very much indeed like Bo Burnham's room: a lot of cables, microphones, cameras, musical instruments, lighting, computers, monitors, a chair, a desk, and not much else. I felt quite pleased.

  • Narius Farhad Davar October 18, 2021 - 10:31pm

    Thanks Matt, I have been looking for something to watch on Netflix.