Landing : Athabascau University

Microsoft Edge's Private Mode May Actually Record Your Browsing

The fact that some people continue to use Microsoft software continues to puzzle me. I mean, it's not like we haven't given them a chance. Decades of chances. And it's not like there are not alternatives. Much better alternatives, often open source, often free. It's not even as though Microsoft dominates the market any more. If you are stuck using Windows and you're not using Firefox or (if you must) Chrome, Opera, Safari or one of many alternative browsers, it's probably a good time to switch. Of course, if you are stuck using Windows 10, you definitely want to look at your privacy settings anyway. It won't stop Microsoft from spying on you altogether, but it will help limit the excess


  • Shafiq February 2, 2016 - 1:24pm

    I agree with you Jon about being stuck with Microsoft, they make things so easy but crappy at the same time. There are so many alternatives out there but companies have to use Microsoft because they have been using it since the beginning and relying too much on it. Windows 10 new and approved thanks to copying other OS which is done by millions of hours of volunteering work. Same goes to development platform, as a developer we always face dilemma of .NET vs JAVA, I agree .NET has very nice studio framework but Java also achieved that level on Eclipse platform.

    It is very annoying when you have to use certain programs like Chrome or Firefox in certain cases otherwise things does not work properly. We should be allowed to make our own choice and freedom. As you already mention about the spying, it is happening by everyone and that's how they are making billions to sell our information to everyone out there.

