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Why Every Developer Should Learn Javascript

Not the greatest use of English in the world, and not the most sophisticated explanation of the benefits of the language, but none-the-less a fairly good explanation from TrendinTech of why it is useful to learn JavaScript, that closely mirrors the reasons we use it for COMP266. In short, JavaScript is a do-everything, ubiquitous language with sufficient useful features to make it suitable for the majority of programming needs, while being among the easiest and most accessible of languages to learn.


  • Madyson Foley March 9, 2024 - 6:10pm

    Can you clarify something for me? The second last paragraph about concurrency doesnt make sense to me because I thought Javascript was single-threaded based on what I've read about it.

  • Madyson Foley March 9, 2024 - 6:10pm

    Can you clarify something for me? The second last paragraph about concurrency doesnt make sense to me because I thought Javascript was single-threaded based on what I've read about it.

  • Jon Dron March 15, 2024 - 9:39am

    JavaScript is indeed single-threaded. When it talks about concurrency it is (I think - haven't checked the article again but this is normally the case) most likely referring to aynchronous execution, where a function can be busy doing something while other code is executing, for example when using a setTimeout function. This is really just task switching rather than using multiple threads, but it performs much the same role. Technically, it is also true that, when you have two or more tabs open, the JS engine will usually run the code in multiple threads, but there can be no communication between them so there's not much use to be made of it. Finally, JS can do a kind of almost-multithreading using Worker functions, that copy a script into a separate thread that can be used to exchange messages with the main thread without blocking its execution. If you use such things, it would be great evidence of advanced JavaScript skills!
