Landing : Athabascau University

2008 Communication Plan and Performance Management Plan

The business plan proposes a distance education enterprise within the Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) that would facilitate proper training and sustained competency for drinking water operators across Ontario. This section of the business plan describes the Communication Plan and the Performance Management Plan which will enable change, engage stakeholders, provide goal achievement, monitor progress and allow for adjustments during execution.

A Communication Plan will be included and will discuss the change management plan used to assist in the transformation of the WCWC into a distance education enterprise; and the various communication strategies used with potential and current business customers, investors, employees, faculty and others impacted by the new enterprise.

The Performance Management Plan will utilize the Balance Scorecard approach (Kaplan and Norton 2004), to describe the qualitative perspectives that will be used to supplement typical financial measures, and to describe the performance indicators and the methods used to track and report on performance.