Landing : Athabascau University

AU Frosting

AU Frosting
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AU Frosting

By Carmen Southgate 4 February 2011 @ 9:12am Comments (6)

It was snowing when I took this picture a few years ago so the blue dots are from snow on my lens.

Newbie photographerKiss

Please feel free to fiddle with this (i.e., take out the blue dots) if you find it interesting to post on the landing somewhere.


  • onepercentyellow February 4, 2011 - 11:10am

    Thanks for the photo!  I'm living in India at the moment and it's nice to see the winter wonderland.  Hope it's not too cold and the snow is fun.

  • Carmen Southgate February 4, 2011 - 11:21am

    You're welcome.  Cool Glad I could bring back some memories.  Sometimes we don't appreciate things until they are far away from us, although that is often a necessary part of our lifewide learning.

    Enjoy the Indian heat!

  • Jon Dron February 4, 2011 - 3:34pm

    I'd like to make this the picture for next week (with very minor tweaking and resizing) - would you have any objection to this Carmen? You need to be OK with making it publicly available. If that's fine with you I'll add it to the front page!

    Do you want to suggest a licence condition for people to use it, maybe one of the creative commons licences? for info on the variants. If not, I'll just put it on the site with attribution to you. Also feel free to supply a caption or any other brief text you like.

  • Carmen Southgate February 4, 2011 - 3:46pm

    Sure Jon. No worries about ownership. I don't "own" that frozen moment in time.  It belongs to Gaia.

    Tweak, resize, remix and reuse to your heart's contentKiss

    I wish I would have moved the lens over a bit to the left to include the whole speed limit sign though.

    Showing a speed limit on a university would be a rather interesting visual image given our interesting times and broad discussions at AU lately.

  • Jon Dron February 4, 2011 - 6:46pm

    Thanks Carmen! I rather like the bits of snow on the lens - I think they should stay.

    There's definitely a future picture opportunity to be had with that speed limit. If only it were also of the sign the Terry snapped the other day with the missing 'U' we would have an almost perfect metaphor Laughing


  • an unauthenticated user of the Landing April 5, 2013 - 9:24am

    Testing moderated comments - want to find out if a non-owner can make approvals etc.

    - Jon (ignore)

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