Landing : Athabascau University

Episode Two - "The Things We Talk About."

Episode two - 'the things we talk about' - is live! Featuring an interview with Amanda Neilsen, president of the Athabasca University Graduate Students' Association, a chat with Glenn Groulx, alumni and social media enthusiast, and our zombie apocalypse plans. Music courtesy of Dr. Mark McCutcheon ('In Appropriate Reverb'). Zombie talk courtesy of me.


  • Caroline Park October 14, 2011 - 11:55am


  • an unauthenticated user of the Landing October 17, 2011 - 5:54am

    Awesome job, Heather! Thanks for chatting with the GSA. I am delighted to see what an incredible success this podcast is becoming. :)

    - Amanda Nielsen

  • Kenneth Desson October 25, 2011 - 3:00pm

    Great production values, especially considering Heather's admission that she produced it late at night, at her computer, in her pygamas (we're not supposed to know that). Is there any way to send this podcast, and others, out on a subscription basis?

    Waiting for the next one.


  • Heather Clitheroe October 25, 2011 - 8:02pm

    I do hope so - I'm trying to work out a solution that would allow for the podcast to be published to iTunes.


    Episode three is live, though! Go the 'files' section of the Unofficial Landing Podcast group. And I'm working on episode four.

  • Kathy Ponath October 26, 2011 - 4:57pm

    Congrats Heather - a nice addition to student community indeed! I love podcasts and hope AU (officially) begins exploring how these can enrich the distance learning experience.