Landing : Athabascau University

Social tools on the Landing

Graphic representing most of the main social tools the Landing provides


  • Eric von Stackelberg October 24, 2011 - 4:59pm

    Could you comment on why this is a Personal Learning Environment rather than a Shared Learning Environment? While I could see a plug-in and process that establishes a PLE I would have thought the institutional ownership of infrastructure and program would have made this a SLE. Comments on the value of PLE versus SLE?

  • Jon Dron October 24, 2011 - 7:14pm

    It's about personal control. See for a definition and for the place of Elgg in all of that. The point is that it is a space where you pull together and organise for your own benefit the people and things that help you learn, as opposed to a space that someone else organises on your behalf like a VLE (which is also a shared learning environment). I don't love the term - my PLE is much bigger than a simple toolset in a single application-  but it's a commonplace term to describe such things and the Elgg Dashboard is one of the defining examples of the genre.