Landing : Athabascau University

MDDE691 - Facilitating EduBlogging

Edu-blogging, or the use of blogs within formal education programming, is an important sub-set of blogging activity, as it provides an opportunity for learners to practice blogging within a structured, secure, formal learning environment. Blogging involves a dialogue among others, but more importantly, it requires learners to adopt a reflective stance while interacting with their own ideas, the ideas of others, and with content. Blogging can be used to build connections between self and others, to express ideas and share perspectives, and can be used for collaborative and cooperative learning. While engaging in network construction, students master the skills to engage with others in discourse and dialogue, relying on others for validity and for resources. However, an equally important process that successful bloggers engage in is knowledge construction, a largely solitary activity, where they use self-talk and others’ content rather than rely primarily on conversation with others. This paper explores pedagogical strategies to encourage and facilitate learners to develop the skills and processes to learn as autonomous, self-regulated bloggers. This paper explores methods for facilitating two key processes for learners new to edu-blogging: network construction and knowledge-construction (Kerawalla, 2008). In addition, this paper will provide an overview of the stages of both the knowledge-construction process based on Efimova’s description of the ideas development process (2009) and the network construction process based on Downes’ ARRFF theory of personal learning (2009). The various stages for both cycles will be outlined in terms of the following: description and significance, facilitation strategies, scaffolds, assessment strategies, and student products.

Glenn Groulx

I am interested in exploring edublogging for literacy learners, to empower them to tell stories, and foster confidence in their voices.