Landing : Athabascau University

MDDE691 - Case Study

This case study explores my own learning experiences as a student blogger while using an edublog in Me2U, Athabasca University’s social network between September 2008 and December 2009. The case study is separated into three parts: educational biography, an analysis of my blogging activity using Leonard’s personal VSM model, and qualitative analysis of my blog posts using transcript analysis. The first part of this case study will explore the author’s impressions and reflections about blogging over fifteen months, describing activity from a variety of quantitative data sources, such as frequency of the use of specific tags, number of posts, comments, and web traffic data. The second part of this case study will use educational biography to explore my experiences, reflections and impressions over the past fifteen months while engaged in blogging activities both within Me2U and external to Me2U. The educational biography acts as a narrative, which also describes my progression towards self-regulated blogging within a cohort, a sharing circle, a learning partnership, and as an independent learner pursuing individualized study. The third part of the case study will analyze blog posts over fifteen months using transcript analysis to document evidence of events of knowledge construction and network construction processes.

Glenn Groulx

I am interested in exploring edublogging for literacy learners, to empower them to tell stories, and foster confidence in their voices.