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  • COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Owner: Oscar Lin

Group members: 402


Welcome to the COMP372 discussion forum. You are encourged to participate in discussions by posting

  • your introduction to the group.
  • a response to action requested in unit activities.
  • a comment on a peer’s response.
  • resources you wish to share with peers, including your comments on why they are useful.

Note: After you have completed the assignments, quizzes or final exam, do not discuss their contents on any forum or post them anywhere on the Internet. Doing so will be considered cheating and will be dealt with accordingly.

To know the participation marks for COMP 372 R2, please visit the following URL:




Brief description: This is for course discussion.
Type of group:

This group has a closed membership.

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COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

This is for course discussion.