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Faculty of Science - ILE Discussion

Faculty of Science - ILE Discussion

Owner: Richard Huntrods

Group members: 6


This group has been created to enable all from the Faculty of Science to discuss the upcoming Athabasca University Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) initiative.

AU desires to have a set of requirements in place by the end of August to guide the process of obtaining and implementing the universities "next generation" Learning Envirnonment.

The Provost has already held meetings with faculty, students and other stakeholders regarding this initiative. The General Faculties Council (GFC) The Academic Planning, Policy, and Standards Committee (APPSC) is tasked with creating the requirements by the end of summer, and has created a ILE Working Group to fulfill the task of collating the various sources of information and creating the list of requirements.

This group has been created to allow the Faculty of Science to discuss ILE requirements and to make recommendations for the Science representative (R. Huntrods) to take forward to the summer ILE Working group meetins.

Brief description: ILE requirments discussion for FST
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