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  • MDDE 610 Group #1's Assignment: A Comparison between Elluminate Live ! 10 & Adobe Connect Pro 8

MDDE 610 Group #1's Assignment: A Comparison between Elluminate Live ! 10 & Adobe Connect Pro 8

MDDE 610 Group #1's Assignment: A Comparison between Elluminate Live ! 10 & Adobe Connect Pro 8

Owner: Harold Handley

Group members: 1


Good evening,

Group #1 would like to present their power point presentation in the landing in the hopes that it will be seen by all members of MDDE 610 past, present, and future students.

The power point presentation outlines some minor differences between Elluminate and Connect Pro and dose not place one above the other. Read and enjoy. I hope to see students from our class in the group #1's Connect Pro session on Tuesday the 5 April 2011 at 7:00 pm MST. Group #1's Take away. Group #1's PPT

Brief description: MDDE 610 Winter 2011 Group Assignment