Landing : Athabascau University

Academic Blogging Circle - Blogging Event: Revision

Last updated September 7, 2010 - 8:35pm by Glenn Groulx

I would like to thank the academic bloggers within the Landing at Athabasca University who have responded to my invitation for sharing their own stories about their blogging activity. I know I will be re-reading and reviewing the replies and will post a follow-up reflective post (or more than one) soon. I encourage others to add their reflections about their blogging. This blogging event this past week is-was intended to be a cooperative meme, inviting a group of interested bloggers to contribute by sharing their own experiences to build a sharing circle that offers more insights when developed as a group than by any one individual alone.

I would like to welcome everyone to comment on how these stories have (or have not) resonated with your own experiences, or mirrored (or did not) your own impressions. Perhaps there was something someone said that gave you a eureka! moment. Perhaps, even, something that came up from the posts led to a shift in how you intend to blog yourself in future.

Again, I invite you to share your insights and impressions, and deepen the conversation further.

Contributors: (not a complete list)

Jon Dron's post about his blogging experiences

Terry Anderson's reflections on blogging

Stuart Berry's response

Mark McCutcheon's Blog on Blog

Glenn Groulx's post and podcast about his reflections on blogging