General Categories | Special Categories | |||||||
Non-fiction prose | Fiction | Poetry | Drama | |||||
Subject What is the work about? |
What issue, idea, event, or person is the article, essay, review, biography, et. about? |
What is the story or novel about? | What is the poem or sequence of poems about? | What is the play about? | What is the film or program aboutindowtext 1.0pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">How is the argument and/or narrative and/or description selected and arranged? | What is the principle behind the selection and arrangement of events ("plot")? | What is the principle behind the selection and arrangement of details in the poem? | What is the principle behind the selection and arrangement of events ("action")? |
Development What are the partitrong> What kind of evidence does the author give to support the argument? What kind of detail to develop narrative or descriptive writing? |
A. Setting: What is the place, time, and social environment in which events take place? B. Characterization: What are the characters like? What techniques are used to portray them? |
A. Setting: What is the place, time, and social environment in which the development of the poem takes place? B. Characterization: What are the characters like? What techniques are used to portray them? |
A. Setting: What is the place, time, and social environment in which events take place? What do costuming, music, lighting, sets, etc. indicate about the setting?
B. Characterization:What are the characters like? How are various techniques, including dialogue and acting, used to portray them? |
A. Setting: What is the place, time, and social environment in which events take place? B. Characterization: What are the characters like? How are various techniques, including dialogue and acting, used to portray them? |
Style ure: What do sentence patterns tell me? |
A. Diction: What do usage level and word choice tell me? B. Images and Symbols: Do these create patterns of meaning? How? C. Sentence structure: What do sentence patterns tell me? |
A. Diction: What do usage level and word choice tell me? B. Images and Symbols: Do these create patterns of meaning? How? C. Prosody: How are sound and rhythm used in the poem? |
A. Diction: What do usage level and word choice in individual characters and in the play as a whole tell me? B. Images and Symbols: Do these create patterns of meaning? How? C. Pacing: What is the rhythm of dialogue and action? |
A. Shooting techniques: What do camera angles, shot lengths, etc., convey about setting or characters? B. Images and Symbols: Do these create patterns of meaning? How? C. Editing techniques: What movement of action does the editing create? |
Tone What is the author's or director's attitude towards the subject and audience, as conveyed by the work? |
What is the author's attitude to subject and reader, as conveyed by the work? | Who is the speaker ("persona") in this poem? How does this affect the way the story is told?B. Tone: What is the tone and how does it reflect the speaker's attitude? |
Tone a. Playwright: What attitude to subject and audience is evident? b. Director: What attitude to subject and audience is evident? |
What is the director's attitude to the subject and audience, as conveyed by the film or program? | ||||
Theme or thesis What is the central idea of the work? |
What is the main point or argument of the work? | What is the central idea or theme of the story or novel? | What is the central idea or theme of the poem? | What is the central idea or theme of the play? | What is the central idea or theme of the film or program? |
Attribution notice: This table is adapted from a print copy of one I received as an undergraduate, decades ago. Every effort has been made to identify the original source; if you know it, please contact me about it.
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