Landing : Athabascau University

Summative Reflection - My Final MDE Paper: Revision

Last updated November 2, 2010 - 4:41pm by Grant Murphy

In 2005, I started on the path to attain my Masters of Distance Education degree through Athabasca University (AU). Though excited about new prospects, I was nonetheless nervous and anxious. I began to reflect back on my previous educational experiences which had presented some significant challenges. Some of the questions that arose were:

  • Was I prepared to enter this new learning environment?
  • Did I have the necessary skills to achieve goals (i.e. a passing grade)?
  • Could I obtain a sense of fulfillment from this program (i.e. self-improvement)?
  • Did I have the adequate self-regulation mechanisms (i.e. motivation)?
  • Would I be able to “stay on course” even when challenged by other priorities in life (i.e. persistence)?

And as I progressed through my learning experience at AU, the following concepts began coalescing in my mind, with common themes continuing to re-occur throughout my work:

  1. Respecting the Learner
  2. Engaging the Learner
  3. Building Learner Resiliency
  4. Inspiring the Learner

So how did my educational experience help to inform these issues and what did I discover? My final paper attempts to summarize major themes of learning and discovery that I experienced over the past five years ... My AU Learning Experience - A Bountiful Harvest

Throughout I tried to keep an open mind. I challenged myself and was challenged by other learners in new and exciting ways. Ultimately, I was motivated and sustained by the rich and diverse learner community at Athabasca University.  
