Landing : Athabascau University

Kitchener Utilities Drinking Water Operator Training: Revision

Since 2000, the Ontario government has enacted several drinking water regulations that require that all persons operating drinking water systems have the necessary skills and knowledge to treat or supply safe drinking water. The regulation requires mandatory licensing of water works operators, with auditable requirements for operator training that include certified training programs with defined learning objectives and measurable results.

In the specific case of Kitchener Utilities, drinking water system operators have the practical experience of operating the system, but may not have the technical knowledge. From a corporate perspective, Kitchener Utilities budgets for regulatory annual training requirements, based on the number of licensed operators. 

Effective distance based education and training could assist in the sustained competency of drinking water operators. A  needs assessment will be conducted to validate this assumption.  From the needs assessment, it was proposed that a distance education course be designed and developed related to drinking water quality sampling procedures. Overall it is expected that the learner will achieve better consistency in the job task and hopefully making their job easier.



Competency Categories Exhibited - 

1. Problem Solving, Analysis, & Decision Making

2. Instructional Design & Development

6. Management, Organization and Leadership