Landing : Athabascau University

E-Portfolio and Demonstration of Core Competencies: Revision

Last updated December 29, 2010 - 7:03pm by Grant Murphy

I started to develop my e-portfolio in April 2010 and have continually updated information since this time. By this time I had basically completed my MDE course work by the time that the concept of e-portfolios had been adopted at AU. As such I spent a significant  amount of time and energy in reviewing past assignments, asynchronous conferences and some of the readings.

The e-portfolio is a capstone experience which is presented in the Athabasca Landing social software program (beta version). The final e-portfolio is based on a set of competencies that AU faculty have derived from course learning outcomes in the Masters of Distance Education program. I have attempted to document my MDE learning experience in accordance with the 6 main competency categories identified by AU, while also identifying the accomplished competencies for each of the bodies of work:

  • Problem Solving, Analysis, & Decision Making
  • Instructional Design & Development
  • Communication Technologies & Networking
  • Communication & Interpersonal Skills
  • Research
  • Management, Organization and Leadership
Please refer to MDE Assignment to Competency Matrix for a summary of demonstrated competencies as compared to the 37 assignments completed by myself or in collaboration with other MDE students.

My artefacts include a variety of items reflecting learning from the program, including course papers, course projects, or even materials or projects from work, which have been influenced by knowledge and skills developed in the program.

