Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 4: Revision

Last updated May 15, 2022 - 10:07am by William Henman

I started reading the fourth Unit. Firstly, I finally understood the main() method, with the argument String[] args which is an array of Strings named args. It made more sense looking at it that way since I could not understand why they used that initially. Since I learned a bit about subroutines on my own by doing a bit of research, I already understood the general syntax of a method. Although, I found it useful to know that a Public subroutine could be used only in its package, while a Private subroutine could be used only in a class. I also learned a bit more about how to use variables, and how to use them as local variables inside parameters or using them to place inside the subroutine as a parameter. I had a little trouble with that before reading this unit, which helped me work back on the assignment. I ended up turning the input value into a global variable! Feels good to keep learning and it is starting to feel like coding will be a long-time passion of mine.
