Controlling notifications | Controlling privacy | Getting to know the Landing
The Landing is a closed community, though members may share anything they create on it with the rest of the world.
You must have an Athabasca University user ID on the system, or be an invited guest, to log in. If you log in to other Athabasca systems such as Moodle, email or MyAU, you may access the Landing and you should use the same user name and password.
Logging in will allow you to see content intended for internal use, join groups, participate in discussions, share files, photos and ideas with others.
Guest access to the Landing is by invitation only. If you do not have an existing AU login, you must be invited by a member of AU staff (if you are a student and wish to invite someone, please do so via a staff member). We will ask for contact information for the invited guest and a cut-off date at which point the guest will have access rights removed. This may, of course, be extended if a request for this is received from the sponsoring staff member.
Currently, public comments are disabled on things created on the Landing. We are working on providing a reliable and safe method of removing this restriction that is not susceptible to evil-doers such as spammers and crackers and hope to open this up soon.
The Landing is a social site for Athabasca University staff, students and invited guests. It is a space where they can share, communicate and connect with anyone or everyone.
Unless you are logged in, you will only be able to see the fraction of posts on the site that have been made public. Right now you are not logged in.
If you have an Athabasca University login ID, use your standard username and password to access this site.
We welcome comments on public posts from members of the public. Please note, however, that all comments made on public posts must be moderated by their owners before they become visible on the site. The owner of the post (and no one else) has to do that.
If you want the full range of features and you have a login ID, log in using the links at the top of the page or at (logins are secure and encrypted)
Posts made here are the responsibility of their owners and may not reflect the views of Athabasca University.