Landing : Athabascau University

Equity studies: Revision

Jane Arscott, Ph.D.

human service education, women and politics, e-governance, e-citizenship, e-democracy, policy analysis, political theory

Ken Banks, Ph.D.

community development, social research, social policy, organizational behaviour, diversity and oppression

Cathy Bray, Ph.D.

adult education, gender and education, gender and health issues, gender and organizations, online education

Ken Collier, Ph.D.

community development, critical perspectives on social work, social welfare (policy), and rural development, prior learning assessment, political economy, development economics

Ursule Critoph, M.A.

the Canadian training/skills development system, women and learning, unions and workplace learning, joint union-management processes, unions and work, adult education, community-based learning, workers and the recognition of prior learning

Gloria Filax, Ph.D.

sociology of the body (processes of normalization), contemporary social theory, qualitative research, ethnography, discourse analysis, youth studies, cultural studies/popular culture, governance & globalization, sociology of education, equity studies, trauma studies

Alvin Finkel, Ph.D.

the welfare state in Canada, history of the Canadian West, history of labour and socialism in Canada, British diplomacy in the 1930s

Mike Gismondi, Ph.D.

sociology, Nicaraguan social history, environmental sociology, the place of the local in globalization, social economy and sustainability

Nanci Langford, Ph.D.

Canadian family and women's history, social inequality, sociological theory, feminist theory, needs assessments and program evaluations

Richard Marsden, Ph.D.

social theory on the organization and politics of work

Bruce Morito, Ph.D.

applied ethics (including Aboriginal thought applied to natural resource management), environmental ethics/philosophy/policy (including Aboriginal thought and cross-cultural ethics), traditional ecological knowledge and resource management, personal identity, value theory

Collette Oseen, Ph.D.

women and organizing, transformatory organizing, women and development/globalization, French and other European feminist theory, feminism and the movies, feminist methodology

Pat Rasmussen, Ph.D.

transformative adult education and community organizing, curriculum/educational studies, rethinking the self (subjectivity, discourse theory, and everyday relations of power), postcolonial and poststructural perspectives of education and social work, contemporary cultural and social theories of gender, sexuality, class and race, disability studies, health promotion and prevention in human services, creative non-fiction, journalling, and writing autobiographically, sociology of work - labour process, subjectivity, professionalization, cooperatives, feminist political philosophy, feminist counselling theory and practice, qualitative/interpretative inquiry (especially narrative inquiry)

Mary Richardson, Ph.D.

applied ethics, environmental ethics

Lynda Ross, Ph.D.

attachment theory, women and psychology, women and technology, feminism, statistical methods

Mary S. Runté, Ph.D.

work-family/life balance, social responsibility in organizations, nonprofit and voluntary sector management, business history, feminist theory of organizations, existentialism and management theory, critical theory, qualitative methods-discourse analysis, poststructural

Sean Ryan, Ph.D.

social and environmental justice, social/environmental theory, history of environmental science, philosophy of science, protected area management and designation, political ecology

Angela Specht, Ph.D.

cultural production and consumption of identity within the contexts of community development, tourism, heritage, and public art, intersection of social theory (poststructuralism and cultural studies) with economy, culture and place, cultural and economic production of place via tourism, museums and public art, public policy and formation of place, identity and community, ethics and public policy, globalization, governance and social change, representational literacy

Bruce Spenser, Ph.D.

adult education, workers' education and labour education, labour unions and labour relations, international issues in labour relations and education

Barbara Spronk, Ph.D.

international development and its discontents, distance education and development, the ethnography of globalization

Winona Wheeler, Ph.D.

Indigenous histories, anti-colonial theory, treaty rights, traditional indigenous knowledge
