What is a podcast?
Any multimedia digital file that is moved from a host to guest location for the purpose of human sensory input. (Steve Swettenham)
Apple Incorporated defined podcasts as "an episodic program delivered via the Internet using an XML protocol called RSS". (*1)
Wikipedia defined podcast as "a series of digital media files that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication". (*2)
Do I need Podcasting Software?
No! You do not need special podcasting software. Any audio recording and editing application such Audacity (Win/MAC) will produce an MP3 file. There are free Apple applications for the MAC such as GarageBand and iMovie that will produce audio and video podcasts files.
Do I need special equipment?
No! Any device that can record audio to digital format will work; from a simple tape recorder to an iPad. Many digital cameras include the option to record audio.
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