Landing : Athabascau University

Sample cover letters for hard-copy journal article submission: Revision

Mark McCutcheon
[address - institutional, if possible]
[email - institutional, if possible]


Dr Keith Negus, Co-ordinating editor (Articles)
Popular Music
Dept. of Media and Communications
Goldsmiths College
University of London
London SE14 6NW
United Kingdom


April 27, 2004


Dear Dr Negus,

Enclosed please find three copies of my essay '"Let the Bass Kick, All I'm Offering is the Truth": Techno, Science Fiction, and the Critique of Economic Rationalization' for submission to Popular Music.

The essay, including end matter, comprises 3240 words (12 pages in total); three copies each of the two photographs to which the essay refers are also enclosed. Please note that I have tried to document some of the 'underground' cultural productions studied herein - e.g. white label records, dance party performances, online forum postings - with as close adherence as their available data permit to your journal's citation specifications.

Thank you for considering this submission to your journal. I look forward to your reply.


With my best regards,




Mark McCutcheon, PhD Candidate
School of English and Theatre Studies
University of Guelph