Landing : Athabascau University

Getting to know the Landing: Revision

Last updated February 6, 2013 - 12:06pm by Jon Dron

The Landing offers a huge range of tools and facilties for you to share things with others, make connections with people, communicate, and form communities. This is a very brief overview of some of the main features found on the menu, but is far from comprehensive. Do feel free to explore the site and discover its many facilities, and read help files for individual tools and features.

The Landing is similar to systems like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Orkut, Hi5, Ning and other social networking systems, mixed in with other social things like blogs, Flickr,, wikis and Twitter (microblogging).

Perhaps its most distinctive feature is the control that it gives to you over who can view (and perhpas edit) content you contribute to the Landing. Almost everything you do or add here can be as private or as public as you wish. For example, if you want the world to see your blog post or photo, you can make it public. If you want it to only be seen by a specific group or even an individual, you can very easily do so by selecting them from a list. If you want it to be completely private (say, if it is a work in progress or you just want a place to store your photos) that's fine too.

The default setting is that anyone logged into this site can see it - in other words, only members of the AU extended community, including students, alumni, faculty and other staff will be able to see what you share. This makes it a much safer space than typical social networking sites, with the reassurance that anything that people share here can be reliably attributed to an individual. The only exception to this is comments made on things that have been shared with the public: anyone can comment on such posts, but the owner of that content has to approve any comments they make, so you can simply ignore or delete any that you don't want. We also have a measure of spam prevention on such posts that should prevent most robot spammers from interrupting your day.

The top bar

The top toolbar gives you quick access to many of the site tools and faciltiies, including:

Explore the Landing

You can use this menu to look at the site home page, the latest posts you are allowed to see, the tags used on the site (classifications of posts by our members) and to search for people, as well as to browse the different kinds of content such as blogs, files, photos and calendar events. If you are new to the site, this is a good place to start browsing to discover the kinds of things people are posting.



The 'You' menu includes:

  • Your own profile page: where you can change what others see about you and the layout and content of your profile page. This is rather like your home page on the site. You can choose how much or how little different people and groups can see, from the whole world down to a single individual. You can configure how it looks to other people and what it contains using a very simple drag and drop interface. Note that your image and name are the only things that you cannot set permissions on and that these are visible to the whole world - if you don't want that, simply choose a different image (or none if you prefer) and make your name less identifiable (configured in your settings).
  • Your Dashboard: this is your private space on the site that you can configure how you wish to contain the things that you want to pay attention to or that you use most often. Like the Profile, it has an easy drag and drop interface. You are the only one who can see your dashboard: it is a space for you to organise things on the Landing the way you want. Widgets, many of them highly configurable, can be used to display particular groups, people, content tagged with things that interest you, and so on.
  • Your settings: this option lets you change how the system behaves, such as whether you receive notification emails or the user name and password it uses to get or send information to or from elsewhere (such as Twitter) as well as some interface tweaks.
  • Your messages:  lets you see messages others have sent to you and send messages to others that you know (people you are following and groups). You can adjust your settings to choose whether you receive notifications in the first place and, if so, who from and in what format (only through the Landing and/or via email)
  • Your activity: what you have posted to the site
  • Individual tools showing your blog posts, events, files and so on. Note that these mostly do not show things you have posted in different groups

Your network

You can follow people's activity on the Landing and they can follow you. Optionally, you can choose to receive notifications when they post things. You can group people you follow into circles, which are subsets of those you follow. You can use circles to limit who can see your posts, as well as to manage your notifications (e.g. you might only want to receive alerts when your friends, your students or your teachers post things). There's a tool for finding people you may know but note that it can only make recommendations if you are already following people and/or have joined a group or two.


You can access groups that you own, groups that you belong to, group notifications and creating new groups from this menu

Create & Share

This menu gives you one-click access to create blogs, upload files, share photos, create wikis, events in the calendar and a whole lot more.


Does what it says! It shows results grouped according to the tools etc that relate to them (e.g. photos, blog posts, groups, etc) so you can narrow your search to specific people, groups or kinds of post. The search is not very sophisticated - it will find posts that contain any of the words you enter in the search term.

This is a public page. Please note that any comments you add to the page will also be visible to the world.

The Landing Help Community

The Landing Help Community

Help with using this site


Featured groups

Open Source Software

Open Source Software

A place to exchange ideas about free and open source software.
Athabasca University Faculty Association (AUFA)

Athabasca University Faculty Association (AUFA)

A Landing site for the Athabasca University Faculty Association
Accessibility at AU

Accessibility at AU

accessibility, universal design for learning, and inclusive design group
Teaching and Learning at Athabasca

Teaching and Learning at Athabasca

A Community of Practice for Learning Design
Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

OER resources, support and discussions
AU Students' Union

AU Students' Union

Athabasca University Students' Union
Study Buddies

Study Buddies

Find a study buddy in your course.


A group for the Athabasca University Graduate Students' Association (AUGSA).
Friends of the Landing

Friends of the Landing

The Landing Advisory Network
The Landing Help Community

The Landing Help Community

Help with using this site