Landing : Athabascau University

Wiki home Page: Revision

Last updated November 15, 2008 - 7:45pm by Jon Dron

This wiki has been set up for the Social Networking Evaluation Group to collaborate on the social networking tool evaluation. We are using this wiki to develop our evaluation criteria for social networking tools, and we'd like your help! Do feel free to change this if you are part of this community (for information on how to do this, see the notes at the end of this page).


[[Introduction and background]] - about this project

[[The Plan]] Details on the three main phases of this project

[[Time commitment]] How much we are asking of you

[[Communication]] The main ways we will communicate and report on this project

Activities and products

[[Dreams and Uses and Purposes]] - please visit this page to share ideas and dreams about how this software will be used, benefits we might achieve, projects you have in mind etc. If you have any experiences to share too, this would be a good place to do so. This could get quite large, so do feel free to add pages to this one (see note below for how to do that).

[[Fears and risks]] - use this page to note things we really don't want, dangers, pifalls, critique. Again, if you have any experiences to share, please feel free to do so, and feel free to add pages if you have a lot to say.

[[Candidate software]] - potential candidates for selection. Do feel free to add to these or comment on the ones we have suggested.

[[Interesting Articles]] - things related to educational uses of social software. There are also shared bookmarks in this community that you may find interesting or useful. Feel free to add any interesting links you know of, or recommend books etc.

[[Evaluation Criteria]] - this is where we will be collating the criteria used to evaluate the shortlisted software. Please visit this page to find out what this community thinks we need. If you want to add or change these, click the Edit link.

If you have questions, email Jon Dron <> or use the community forum 


About editing this wiki

You can use this like any editor, making things bold, adding bullet points, etc etc. Just click on the 'Edit page' link above each page. Any changes can be as easily undone as done, so don't worry about mistakes etc, and feel free to correct or comment on any that you find. You may want to annotate major changes with your initials if you want people to know that you were the one making them.

If you are not sure whether your changes would be acceptable to the community, discuss it on the forum first or (if it is a small-ish point) use the comment box below the relevant page to add a comment.

To create new pages

A lot of the time you will probably just want to edit the pages that are already here, but you can create links to new pages by simply enclosing the page title using double bracket characters ([ and ]). Here's an example of a link to this [[Wiki Home Page]]. Avoid using characters like commas and periods in the name.

If you are worried about using this editor, visit the [[sandbox]] page, which is set up with the express intention of letting you make a mess of it! Access to that page is restricted to members of this community only so you need not worry about the world seeing it.

Hint: if you are working on a long page it is not a bad idea to edit it in a text editor or word processor, then paste the results in when you are ready - that way you are less likely to lose work if your browser crashes.