Landing : Athabascau University

Questions about Landing: Revision

Last updated February 3, 2010 - 5:21pm by Carmen Southgate

Questions for me to figure out:

Can there be a wire at the group level? Or a separate River? So I can choose just to see the discussions/postings/ongoign commentary for an individual group?

I'd like to be able to have the postings from the people that I follow on Twitter show up in my space somehow - not mine - theirs.  From what I can tell, I can only have mine feed in here.

Someone should create video tutorials/screencasts for students/faculty that want to learn this; here's an example of a screencast from ELGG at Brighton (click on getting started tab at the top)

Is there a way to link the AU Second Life island as a widget?

Would be nice to have more tabs for group sorting (i.e. closed vs. open groups, alphabetically)