Landing : Athabascau University

Concluding Reflections: Revision

Last updated March 5, 2010 - 6:09pm by Glenn Groulx

Concluding Reflections

The MDDE program has been a challenging, lengthy learning journey that has clearly developed essential as an educator. I have had many opportunities to tie theory with practice, and given numerous chances to develop my own ideas. Thanks to the wider options for choosing assignment topics, I have been able to weave theory into my own teaching practice as both an adult literacy educator, as well as a blogger. In addition, I owe a great deal of thanks to the flexibility of the MDDE program planners for enabling me to pursue three independent studies courses on the topic of edublogging. The artefacts of the core courses built the foundations for effective writing, as they enabled me to conduct article reviews and critiques, develop theory papers, create instructional units and business plans, participate in a collaborative review of a course, and reflect on present a coherent set of principles of teaching practice. 


Glenn Groulx

I am interested in exploring edublogging for literacy learners, to empower them to tell stories, and foster confidence in their voices.
