Landing : Athabascau University

Content Module of the SPARKS Content: Revision

Last updated June 22, 2010 - 9:27am by Karyn Mart

With the need to work with the content of my courses to prepare them for the fall, I decided to jump into the Content Module of the SPARKS instructor training course.


The course content looks straight forward with a linear approach that allows me to go step by step through a student guide, videos, instructors guide and finishes with a test your knowledge quiz.

This course also allows me to jump between what I need right now or want to view without restrictions.

The structure with the option to self select is truly a constructivist approach allowing the student to construct the information in a meaningful manner.

I choose to work through the content module in the linear fashion as it was displayed. Here is how my learning progressed:

First Document

Movie Time

Last Document

Quiz Time

I am left with questions of how I truly did with this module.  By my mark on the quiz, it is apparent I don't truly understand the capabilities of D2L.  My positive nature leads me to believe that I know what I am doing and will now jump in feet first and setup my course in D2L with out reservations.


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