Landing : Athabascau University

Quiz time: Revision

Last updated June 22, 2010 - 9:28am by Karyn Mart

I am now ready to take the quiz.  It is allowing my to attempt the quiz twice with unlimited time requirement.

I scored 4/7 on the first quiz.  I reviewed the quiz results and the 3 questions I got incorrect.  This tool did not have any feedback displayed with regards to why these were incorrect.  I then reviewed the content area of these questions to confirm why they were incorrect.

I participated in the quiz a second time a day later and scored 5/7.  I got two of the same questions incorrect on the second attempt.  I once again reviewed the content and with no feedback am left wondering what is the correct answer. 

This situation is the epitamy of why CAI may not be looked favourably on.  With out practice and feedback built in to the course the student is left wondering if they actually have learned anythhing.

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