Landing : Athabascau University

English 303: A History of Drama I - Productions: Revision

Last updated September 29, 2013 - 11:03am by Mark A. McCutcheon

The student of drama today can take virtual field trips to the theatre. Here are links to productions of several plays, assigned for reading in English 303, that are available for online viewing or listening. The productions are listed in the order they are assigned in the course.

Podcasts of AU's original Theatre of the Air CKUA radio program accompany selected plays, for streaming playback or download.

The Oresteia (incl. Agamemnon) | Oedipus the King | Medea | Lysistrata | Dr. Faustus | Phèdre | Tartuffe


Aeschylus. The Oresteia (incl. Agamemnon). Librivox Opensource Audio Library. 10 Feb. 2010.

NEW! Listen to AU Theatre of the Air podcasts about Agamemnon:

Anne Nothof introduces Agamemnon| Agamemnon lines 841-947 (excerpt from BBC radio adaptation)


Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Dir. Don Taylor. BBC, 1984. Rpt. in Youtube, 23 Oct. 2009.

The above link to the first part includes links to the the full 12-part playlist.

Alternate link: Theatre in Video database, via AU Library. (Requires AU log-in.)

Listen to AU Theatre of the Air podcasts about Oedipus the King:


Euripides. Medea. Dir. Mark Cullingham and Robert Whitehead. Metro Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting, 1982. Rpt. in Theatre in Video database, via AU Library. (Requires AU log-in.)


Aristophanes. Lysistrata. Garrick Players, Lake Forest College, 2005. Rpt. in Youtube, 14 Dec. 2009.

The above link to the first part includes links to the the full 9-part playlist.

Marlowe, Christopher. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. Annex Theater, Baltimore. Rpt. in Yotube, 8 Aug. 2009.

The above link to the first part includes links to the the full 12-part playlist.

---. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. Actors Ensemble, Berkeley U, n.d. Rpt .in Youtube, 27 Dec. 2009.


Racine, Jean. Phèdre [French-language production]. Dir. Pierre Cardinal. Antenne 2, 1987. Rpt. in Theatre in Video database, via AU Library. (Requires AU log-in.)


Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. Tartuffe [French-language production]. Dir. Pierre Badel and Jacques Charon. Société des Comédiens Français, 1975. Rpt. in Theatre in Video database, via AU Library. (Requires AU log-in.)
