Landing : Athabascau University

Problems logging in and saving pages (September 2022)

Last updated September 28, 2022 - 10:45am by Athabasca Landing Comments (1)

People were having problems logging in to the Landing around 22-27 September, only intermittently being able to get in. The problem was related to an update to underlying system software. We believe that these problems have now been resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience and stress this may have caused. 

Problems saving posts (ongoing)

If, when saving a post, you receive a "504 Gateway timeout" message, or a message that the server was taking too long to respond, don't panic: your post was almost certainly saved. Return to the Landing to check whether your post was actually saved. If you are not sure where you saved it, select "Your Activity" from the "You" menu - it should appear at or near the top of the list of activities.  On rare occasions, notably (sometimes) when saving wiki sub-pages, the post itself may not have been fully saved but, in almost all other cases, your post should be where you saved it. The reason it occurs is that, after saving your post, the Landing tries to send notification messages to others in the group via email and, because of the network problems, it very occasionally fails connect to the mail server. This is why it usually only occurs in large groups, when there are many emails to be sent.



  • Deborah Brouwer December 15, 2022 - 12:03am

    That's interesting to know - at least it explains why I can't seem to edit the wiki subpage.  It just spins until it times out.  I'll try again another day.