Landing : Athabascau University

Peer Review Rubric MAIS 602

Last updated October 29, 2010 - 12:12am by onepercentyellow Comments (1)

This document is meant to establish a rubric for the peer-review assignment for MAIS 602.



  • onepercentyellow October 29, 2010 - 12:24am

    Write a report on a research proposal that has been submitted to you by another student in the course (arrangements for this will be made online).

    Include in your report an assessment of the

    • scope of the research question
    • operational and nominal definitions and clarity of research question
    • clarity of the research method definition
    • potential validity of the method
    • demonstration of interdisciplinarity
    • identification of appropriate literature for review and links with the proposed study
    • identification of ethical issues within the context of Athabasca University’s “Policy for Research Involving Humans”—that is, if human subjects are to be solicited, plans for the following are clear and complete
      • fully informed consent
      • minimization of risk and justification that the benefits outweigh the risks
      • protection of all individuals and groups of people, especially vulnerable persons
      • maintenance of anonymity or justifiable confidentiality throughout the research and publication processes
      • security in collection, storage and disposal of data
      • inclusiveness
    • degree to which referencing and citations adhere to accepted style guidelines

    Add creative suggestions for improvement. Assure that your review reflects respectful consideration of the previous experience and future learning needs of the proposal’s author.

    Your review may be in a variety of formats:

    • comments included within the text itself
    • a letter to your peer discussing the proposal
    • a template that you create based on the requirements of the assignment
    • a combination of methods of assessment

    You are not required to award a grade—just say whether you think the assignment is complete or incomplete, and make extensive remarks designed to help your colleague to improve his or her proposal.

    What is crucial is that you

    • comment on both strengths and weaknesses (or strengths and areas for improvement)
    • offer a full description of your comment or critique—try using examples
    • refer to all of the required categories
    • present your review in a clear, comprehensible, well–written way

    This does not mean that your review must be extremely formal (although it can be)—just that it should be readily understood. You may even make it pleasant and humorous if you want!