Landing : Athabascau University

Week 4 - Silverlight based mashup application

This is my mashup application located at:

In short, this is a mashup web app using Silverlight technology sourcing data feeds from twitter, yahoo web search, yahoo image search and bing geospatial data (part of the bing map control). The bing map control itself provided the basic geographical information along with map tiles that you can pan around. The twitter and yahoo (image and web) search result are sourced in RSS/ATOM format. I mashup the data from twitter and geocode them on the map using bing geocoder api as well as taking the search result data from yahoo and display them as item list in the lower left panel.

To run it simply type in a search key word in the “Enter Query Text” search box and press search. It will display the latest twitter feed and the respective geolocation on the map. Next, the search phrase is also passed to yahoo search to fetch data relating to the same search phrase.
The idea behind is to create a portal for one stop shop for web search. The code in the application aggregates data from twitter, yahoo and bing to formulate an interface to display related search result from those sources. Of course, the application can be extended to incorporate other search engines and syndication channels but currently I am including 4 (twitter, yahoo web, yahoo image and bing geocoder) sources for the purpose of this exercise.

If you search on “Lady Gaga” or “Justin Bieber” you are guarantee to find some tweets….

Once you have retrieved the tweets, click on them and the map will be center to the origin of the tweet. Click on the search result will bring up a new window.

I will provide more documentation in the coming days..

More detail at:

