Landing : Athabascau University
  • FAQ
  • Can I become a Landing member if I don't have an AU login?

Question: Can I become a Landing member if I don't have an AU login?


Yes, if you are invited.

Guests may only be invited by members of AU staff. If you are a member of AU staff wishing to invite a guest, please contact the Landing team either via the support button (enter a new support query) or by mailing For each guest we will require

  1. a name,
  2. an email address,
  3. a brief rationale (typically enough just to say something like 'research project' or similar) and
  4. a cut-off date after which the account will not be needed (may be indefinite if that's what you need).

Note that, should any problems arise relating to the guest account, the staff member who made the invitation will be our second point of contact should we fail to contact the individual concerned.