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  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Artifact 2: Research Article Critique September 24, 2021 - 6:27pm
    Artifact 2: Research Article Critique by Tom Worthington View of Vancouver Harbor, from the 17th floor of the Walter Gage Student Residence, UBC (Photo by Tom Worthington, CC-By 2.0 2014).   Having found my feet as an...
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Artifact 1: Design a New Distance Education Organization September 24, 2021 - 6:20pm
    Artifact 1: Design a New Distance Education Organization  by Tom Worthington   Sri Lankan drummers at the opening of conference (Photo by Tom Worthington, CC-By 3.0 2013). In the introduction, I discussed how I came to be an...
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Tom Worthington's MEd(ED) ePortfolio September 24, 2021 - 6:12pm
    Introduction  by Tom Worthington   This e-portfolio provides evidence of the competencies required for the Athabasca University Master of Education (Distance Education) program (MEd), over three years. It includes samples of...
  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Assignment 1 Reflection September 24, 2021 - 10:57am
    Assignment 1 brought back many project management memories. As a former manufacturing manager, I was responsible for many projects over the course of my career. I am familiar with the concepts of project and change management and I am especially...
  • Rayees Khan commented on the blog Why Social Computing? September 22, 2021 - 3:52pm
    Hi Matthew, Nice to meet you as well. Congratulations on almost making it to the finish line with your MSc IS program.  Your post mentioning the future of social media and how it impacts your family and kids resonates with me. We opted for...
  • Guangya Wang published a blog post COMP372 Exercise 16.2-3 in the group COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms September 22, 2021 - 12:22pm
    As the question describes, the order by increasing weight is the same with order by decreasing value. That means the first item ordered in this way has the biggest value per pound. By intuition, the first item must be put into the knapsack to get...
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Week 1 Reflections September 21, 2021 - 2:27pm
    Thoughts on Week 1
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Why Social Computing? September 21, 2021 - 1:55pm
    Why Social Computing?
    Social Computing is a fascinating topic with many different aspects to it. Here's what I hope to learn!
    • Rayees Khan September 22, 2021 - 3:52pm

      Hi Matthew,

      Nice to meet you as well. Congratulations on almost making it to the finish line with your MSc IS program. 

      Your post mentioning the future of social media and how it impacts your family and kids resonates with me. We opted for online year of schooling for our son last year who was in kindergarten at the time, and had to use Google Classroom. I was not very comfortable for him to have an online presence at such a young age; however, given the unprecedented circumstances with the pandemic, we felt it was a sacrifice we had to make for his safety and well-being. 

      I look forward to collaborating with you and the rest of the colleagues as well! 

      Kind Regards,


  • Hahd Khan
    Hahd Khan published a blog post EXTERNAL DATA USE September 14, 2021 - 3:18pm
    For my external data, I used a plugin that will allow people to post comments on my portfolio site. I decided to use this because I think it will be good to have feedback on my projects and possibly for site improvements. The challenging part in...
  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic Course Grading in the group COMP 266 September 12, 2021 - 11:14am
    Sorry for the delayed reply, David - I missed the notification for this. It concerns me greatly that you received no feedback - your tutor should have been doing this, so something must have gone quite wrong if you didn't get any at all. I'm afraid...
  • Hassan Tanveer replied on the discussion topic Course Grading in the group COMP 266 September 12, 2021 - 12:32am
    From my understanding the grades for each unit are not actually what are used for the final mark, but just show that you have done the work and the final portfolio and how to link it to your site is what matters the most. I could be mistaken talk to...
  • Challenges of the Physical: slides from my keynote at XII Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação, September 2021
    Here are the slides from my opening keynote this morning (Pacific Time) for the XII Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação in Portugal.The conference theme...
  • These are the slides from my opening keynote today at the XII Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação in Portugal, in which I imagined a world in which...
  • Gerald Abshez published a blog post AWS Educate - Changes from earlier this year September 3, 2021 - 12:21am
    I've overall really enjoyed AWS Educate, but some changes earlier this year make it an overall worse experience. The main new wrinkle is automatically shutting down EC2 instances when you are "logged out". While I do understand that new to AWS...
  • SOBECHI cornella Madueke-Aniemeka created a wiki page assignment 4 September 1, 2021 - 10:56am
    Assignment 4     making this game. i had no detailed knowledge on the alice in wonderland game so i tried to design my own game. i did not use any estranged method i kept my game simple and straight to the point. using scanner packages...
  • Brent Beaudry created a wiki page Brent Beaudry's COMP348 Diary August 30, 2021 - 3:09pm
    This course is another along the path that for me includes COMP268, COMP308 and COMP347. The chapter 1 reading was a good refresher with some new insights and interesting details thrown in. I'm looking forward to diving into this material and...
  • hello, this might be late since i have already booked my exam for tomorrow. but i am kind of panicking. i thought we had the option to either use proctor or book an invigilator do i still need to book an invigilator if i already booked my exam...
  • David Clark added a new discussion topic Course Grading in the group COMP 266 August 25, 2021 - 8:07am
    As I have now finished this course, I would like to raise the discussion on how everything is graded.  According to the course outline, each unit is weighted in accordance with the contribution to the portfolio. That being said, I achieved...
  • Hahd Khan
    Hahd Khan published a blog post JQUERY PROPOSAL August 22, 2021 - 11:06am
    I worked on the contact form for last unit, but it wasn't fully working properly because I left out the script tag where I have to include a JQuery library, so for this unit, I included it in my contact.html file. I feel like my site didn't look...
  • Hahd Khan
    Hahd Khan published a blog post Designs In Pseudo Code August 22, 2021 - 10:46am
    Designs In Pseudo Code1) contact form-First, prevent users from clicking send- declare and initialize variables for message box, email, name, and status-check if the email is an appropriate length and if it has "@" sign as well as "."-check if the...