Landing : Athabascau University

All Site Activity

  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Assignment 2 reflection October 13, 2021 - 10:35am
    I enjoyed doing assignment 2 and learning the content it covers. Now we are getting into the meat and potatoes, so to speak, and acquiring the actual tools that we can use in systems analysis and design. I spent many years in manufacturing...
  • Rayees Khan commented on the Pinboard COMP 650 - Week 4 Artifact (Mashups and Blends) October 12, 2021 - 11:15pm
    Hi Matt, Thank you for the great feedback. I agree regarding the image. I wanted to have something like a banner on the header but didn't realize how big the image looked. If I had to do this artifact again, I would use a smaller banner-style...
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Some thoughts for Ada Lovelace Day October 12, 2021 - 10:57pm
    This Scientific American article tells the tale of one of the genesis stories of complexity science, this one from 1952, describing what, until relatively recently, was known as the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) problem (or 'paradox', though it is not in...
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Week 4 Reflections October 12, 2021 - 3:23pm
    Week 4 Reflections
    Creating a Simple Artifact
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Week 3 Reflections October 12, 2021 - 12:21pm
    Social Computing Theories and Models
  • Matthew Charette has created a new Pinboard Matt's Pinboard October 12, 2021 - 10:50am
    Matt's Pinboard
    This is my first Pinboard
  • Matthew Charette commented on the Pinboard COMP 650 - Week 4 Artifact (Mashups and Blends) October 11, 2021 - 9:46pm
    Hi Rayees, Excellent Mashup.  I like your layout and chosen image, alhough, it is quite large and takes up too much realestate on the page imo.  I like how you used multiple different methods to pull in data from different sites as...
  • Louis Hauteclocque created a wiki page Comp 266 October 11, 2021 - 9:44am
    I am adding all of my files online for anyone to access. I think it's important to share information with others and maybe someone will find some information about Comp 266 course to help them prepare. If you have any questions let me know.
  • Louis Hauteclocque created a wiki page Comp 266 October 11, 2021 - 9:44am
    I am adding all of my files online for anyone to access. I think it's important to share information with others and maybe someone will find some information about Comp 266 course to help them prepare. If you have any questions let me know.
  • Rayees Khan has created a new Pinboard COMP 650 - Week 4 Artifact (Mashups and Blends) October 10, 2021 - 11:26am
    COMP 650 - Week 4 Artifact (Mashups and Blends)
    • Matthew Charette October 11, 2021 - 9:46pm

      Hi Rayees,

      Excellent Mashup.  I like your layout and chosen image, alhough, it is quite large and takes up too much realestate on the page imo.  I like how you used multiple different methods to pull in data from different sites as well.

      One thing that I think would be helpful is if the widgets that display the data on the pinboard could be set to be default open or closed.  That way you could cusomize to only have the widgets that you really care about at the time open and 'hide' the rest that are pretinent to you at the time.  While I haven't really checked, i'm assuming this is something that is limited in functionality by The Landing. 

      Great work!



    • Rayees Khan October 12, 2021 - 11:15pm

      Hi Matt,

      Thank you for the great feedback. I agree regarding the image. I wanted to have something like a banner on the header but didn't realize how big the image looked. If I had to do this artifact again, I would use a smaller banner-style image.

      Regarding the pinboard widgets, unfortunately, I could not find a setting in The Landing system that allows visitors to make a selection to open or close the various columns. The content publisher has the option to "show an excerpt" for each pinboard widget, which I left on as I personally thought the option would be beneficial as I get to see the introductory content of the posts before I click on the link. 

      Kind Regards,


  • With a possible audience of thousands, and without a clue they were there because the Zoom output was streamed to a different site (weird), I talked very fast about my experience of higher education for about 20 minutes at the THE UK Student...
  • Henry Ochoa created a wiki page Unit0 My wiki page comp282 -Henry Ochoa (Paco) October 6, 2021 - 11:41am
    Good day fellows students. My name is Henry Ochoa (AKA PACO). First, I’m a person with physical disabilities. I own a business for over 18yrs prior my accident that left me not able to do manual work. I have had multiple surgeries on my left...
  • Shawn Ritter published a blog post Unit 0 Introduction October 5, 2021 - 3:01pm
    Unit 0 Introduction
    An intro to the Embedded robotics journal and initial setup for the Arduino Uno.
    • CC November 3, 2021 - 11:42am

      Hi Shawn,

      I really like your layout in this assignment. It's easy to read and follow along with lots of pictures!

      I hope you don't mind that I might immitate your layout a bit for my posts. I'm not a very good blogger, the formatting tools also takes a bit for me to figure out.

      Great work!


    • Shawn Ritter November 18, 2021 - 5:13pm

      Oh Thanks Cindy!

      Sorry I didn't reply sooner I just saw your comment. I've been writing my posts in wordpress and then just copying them over. Good luck with your blog! I'll be watching for it.


  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Week 2 Reflections September 29, 2021 - 12:45pm
    It might be worth looking into Doug Engelbart's work, because he basically invented everything! including the GUI, the mouse, and much of what we use today. That includes hypertext (notwithstanding the Memex) and a wide range of collaboration tools,...
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Week 2 Reflections September 28, 2021 - 9:58pm
    The History of Social Software
    • Jon Dron September 29, 2021 - 12:45pm

      It might be worth looking into Doug Engelbart's work, because he basically invented everything! including the GUI, the mouse, and much of what we use today. That includes hypertext (notwithstanding the Memex) and a wide range of collaboration tools, notably NLS in the 1960s.

  • Erika Racette commented on the blog COMP372 PROBLEM 1-1 in the group COMP372 Design and Analysis of Algorithms September 28, 2021 - 7:24pm
    Interesting solution for the last row n!. Now that's a creative work around. It's cool to see what different methods everyone's using to solve the same question. 
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Conclusion September 24, 2021 - 6:32pm
    Conclusion  by Tom Worthington   Hot Air Balloon Over Canberra, Photo by Tom Worthington CC-by 3.0 1996   Three years ago I set out to make the transition, from a computer professional, to a designer and teacher of...
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Artifact 5: Mobile learning and Distance Education. September 24, 2021 - 6:31pm
    Artifact 5: Mobile learning and Distance Education.  by Tom Worthington Hong Kong Trams, Photo by Tom Worthington CC-By 3.0 2015   With mobile learning, I tried some gadgets but realized it is still about people, not gadgets....
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Artifact 4: Instructional Unit Design September 24, 2021 - 6:30pm
    Artifact 4: Instructional Unit Design  by Tom Worthington UBC Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Photo by Tom Worthington CC-By 3.0 2015   The essence of what I do is build courses. Here I was able to build something, get input...
  • Tom Worthington created a wiki page Artifact 3: Personal Theory of Practice September 24, 2021 - 6:29pm
    Artifact 3: Personal Theory of Practice  by Tom Worthington   Meditation, by Tärning, CC-BY 3.0 2014    Having completed two courses by keeping rigidly to the provided syllabus, I thought I could risk...