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  • Trevor K commented on a bookmark Journal of Universal Rejection December 1, 2021 - 11:36am
    I would be honored to be selected to co-author a paper with you. However I understand your selection criteria may be high, and you may choose not to select me, in either case, it is an honor to be selected, or not. 
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Journal of Universal Rejection December 1, 2021 - 11:27am
    Perfect. Just perfect. If anyone would like to collaborate with me to submit a paper to the Journal of Universal Rejection, feel free to contact me. I probably won't answer.
    • Trevor K December 1, 2021 - 11:36am

      I would be honored to be selected to co-author a paper with you. However I understand your selection criteria may be high, and you may choose not to select me, in either case, it is an honor to be selected, or not. 

    • Jon Dron December 1, 2021 - 12:14pm

      Let's just skip the middle man and fail to submit it.

    • Trevor K December 1, 2021 - 12:18pm

      This works for me! More efficient too.

  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Social Media Artifact - Blog entry #2 November 30, 2021 - 9:07pm
    Social Media Artifact Design
  • Matthew Charette published a blog post Social Media Artifact - Blog entry #1 November 29, 2021 - 8:51pm
    A Running Diary of my artifact creation - Week 1
  • William Salemé
    William Salemé replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 28, 2021 - 4:58pm
    Man!! Yes! IDE's are everything! I'm a professional software dev and I can tell you cannot do your job right or even with such level of ease and integration without an IDE. I love everything that JetBrains does, and they're the only IDE's I use....
  • Twylla Soosay replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 27, 2021 - 11:47am
    That is a good point Andrew and makes sense. I will keep that in mind when trying to tackle the next few assignments.
  • Andrew S replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 27, 2021 - 9:39am
    Outside of this course (since we're asked not to use many of their features), I'd recommend an IDE for any project that will be more than a few source files. Just being able to jump around multiple files, add breakpoints, and step through the logic...
  • Twylla Soosay replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 26, 2021 - 12:38pm
    I am finding it's good to try out an IDE if you have never tried one just to see how it works. But also to use a command line is also good practice so you can find out multiple ways to run the code.
  • sam gainer replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 26, 2021 - 12:11pm
    Okay, thanks for the replies I'll continue using the Eclipse IDE.  
  • Joseph Lancaster replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 25, 2021 - 2:09pm
    I think that IDE's can be relatively turn-key and useful if you use them at their most basic level. I mean, just using IDE in the same way you'd use sublime text or something. I know that some of them will underline errors in syntax, so dont have to...
  • Earl commented on the file Twitter HAHA November 24, 2021 - 1:00pm
    Um, Python is older. It's also always been more widely used if you factor out Web apps and mobile apps (until recently). It's also more ingrained in system programs - it's more akin to a C install base. Frankly, as HarmonyOS takes off, you will...
  • Caleb Martin replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 24, 2021 - 12:05pm
    @sam gainer Whether you're using an IDE or not it's imporant that you are writing the code yourself. It is just as easy to copy and paste code into notepad as it is to get an IDE to generate code for you. This is why documentation is such a big...
  • Caleb Martin replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 24, 2021 - 11:58am
    I completely agree with Kristen here. I was using Notepad++ and started assignment 4 with it but quickly realized just how inconvient and time wasting it was to have to constantly recompile these files for testing. I moved everything into Eclipse...
  • Caleb Martin commented on the file Twitter HAHA November 24, 2021 - 11:35am
    Haha nice. To be fair it was only in August I believe that Python overtook Java as the second most popular programming language according to TIOBE and now it's first. I really wonder if Athabasca will start offering Python classes (or maybe they do...
  • Riley Carr replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 21, 2021 - 2:55pm
    IIRC I saw the instructor reply previously saying that it is okay to use an IDE but that you can't use it for any automatic code generation. Obviously make sure to test that you can compile and run your program from the CLI before submitting.
  • Henry Ochoa created a wiki page Unit 0 Henry Ochoa November 21, 2021 - 1:25pm
    Hi my name is Henry Ochoa. I have decided to add more education to my two previoulsy technology diplomas in computer reapair and tech reapair and as well It Proffesional and desktop suppoort and network +. Im a father of 4 boys living in Calgary,...
  • Earl added a new discussion topic Twitter joke, courtesy Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks) November 19, 2021 - 8:46pm
  • Earl uploaded the file Twitter HAHA November 19, 2021 - 8:43pm
    Courtesy Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks) 
    • Caleb Martin November 24, 2021 - 11:35am

      Haha nice. To be fair it was only in August I believe that Python overtook Java as the second most popular programming language according to TIOBE and now it's first. I really wonder if Athabasca will start offering Python classes (or maybe they do already and I'm just not aware). It seems to be the most talked about programming language these days though I wonder if the hype could cause the industry to become over saturated.

    • Earl November 24, 2021 - 1:00pm

      Um, Python is older. It's also always been more widely used if you factor out Web apps and mobile apps (until recently). It's also more ingrained in system programs - it's more akin to a C install base.

      Frankly, as HarmonyOS takes off, you will start seeing increased need for Python developers. Go on LinkedIn Jobs and you see that already, most of the Java stuff is for legacy.

      Both probably have another 20-30 years left in them, since outside of Swift no one seems to be attempting robust programming langauges right now (TIAO)

  • Shawn Ritter commented on the blog Unit 0 Introduction November 18, 2021 - 5:13pm
    Oh Thanks Cindy! Sorry I didn't reply sooner I just saw your comment. I've been writing my posts in wordpress and then just copying them over. Good luck with your blog! I'll be watching for it. Shawn
  • sam gainer replied on the discussion topic IDE or Command line November 18, 2021 - 12:15pm
    I'm really not understanding this course.  In the textbook and here people talk about IDEs but in assignment 1 it says you will fail if you use one.  Are we allowed to use one but just not to help with the assignments?