Landing : Athabascau University


  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Kitten October 14, 2015 - 4:45pm
    One of our kittens, currently known as Stan.
  • Storehouse, a sharing app for photo-driven stories, has reversed its decision to embrace social networking of the coarser kind and has created a more intimate and intentional focus on real circles of friends - no feeds, no followers, no hashtags:...
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Open Invention Network in the group Open Source Software September 27, 2015 - 9:36pm
    And Github, HTC, Seagate, Dropbox, Mozilla, etc, etc - it will be interesting to see who *isn't* here. I don't see Microsoft, Amazon, or Apple, for instance.
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark I’ve completely moved to social media | Scobleizer September 23, 2015 - 1:30pm
    Yes and yes! We built an import tool for the Landing - you'll see an 'import RSS feed' button when looking at your blog, bookmarks or wikis that can be used for one-off or continual importing - with exactly that aggregation in mind. I do worry a...
  • So, a machine can achieve about an average score on a SAT (scholastic assessment test). This is a cool achievement. What interests me more, though, is what this tells us about SATs. Passing a SAT is presumably meant to show that someone is capable...
  • Jon Dron commented on the file Jon Dron September 16, 2015 - 12:25pm
    Hi Chidi - I am not sure of the context for this so am not sure how to help. It may be easiest to email me at and tell me what you are intending to do with the Landing (a course, maybe?) then I can help point you in the right...
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark George Siemens says 'Adios Ed Tech. Hola something else' September 16, 2015 - 11:00am
    @Kate - thanks! It's all down to that simple, innocent and then very wise decision a thousand years ago or more ago to have a single teacher teaching many people. All the rest follows naturally - courses, curricula, attendance requirements,...
  • Jon Dron posted to the wire September 15, 2015 - 5:40pm
    Career opportunity for recent-ish PhDs: CRC, Community, Identity and Digital Media
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark George Siemens says 'Adios Ed Tech. Hola something else' September 15, 2015 - 5:12pm
    @Jenni - excellent examples! I'm writing a book about such things and would love to find more examples like this to cite. It's difficult to be anti-technologist given that formal education and instructional design is concerned with little else...
  • My friend and colleague George Siemens is concerned about dehumanizing trends in educational technology and, in this post, disassociates himself from them. I couldn't agree more and I am especially glad that he is distancing himself fully from the...
    • Anonymous September 16, 2015 - 3:23am

      I'm really drawn to your thought about higher education as a designed engine of demotivation. This is something we often misrecognise as the engine misfiring, when in fact it's working entirely as it's designed to work. So this is really just a quick thank you for the post, and even more for the comment, which suddenly made some things much clearer to me. 

      - Kate Bowles

    • Jon Dron September 16, 2015 - 11:00am

      @Kate - thanks! It's all down to that simple, innocent and then very wise decision a thousand years ago or more ago to have a single teacher teaching many people. All the rest follows naturally - courses, curricula, attendance requirements, discipline, timetables, accreditation and pedagogies based on the physical necessity of control. Throwing a bunch of people together in a closed space for a fixed time and expecting them to do something with that time is such a basic underpinning assumption that we rarely question it, and we tend to transfer it to our online learning too. There are lots of ways to overcome it and we have done so for centuries in things like PhDs (at least in some countries), projects, theses and many other embedded processes, but doing so at scale, especially in undergrad programs, has historically been tricky and expensive. Now that the physical constraints are not there any more and we live in a world of knowledge abundance, we need to grow out of the control mindset. I think that's the real promise of e-learning.

    • Anonymous July 23, 2017 - 5:13am

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      - ClaytonWoura

  • Jon Dron uploaded the file soft and hard technologies September 14, 2015 - 7:16pm
    slide thumbnail
  • Delightfully deadpan and believable philosophical investigation into the ethics of animal activism and some ethical justifications for vegetarianism. In fact, it is so believable that some people have taken it at face value and have been up in arms...
  • Jon Dron commented on the file Ten Principles for effective tinkering September 8, 2015 - 3:27pm
    I like the idea of a discipline of 'genetic tinkering' very much. I can't help feeling it might not have a great effect on the public image of the discipline, no matter how accurate it might be in reality. It's a great pity that bricolage has got...
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Paul Ford: What is Code? in the group Programming & Problem Solving September 7, 2015 - 12:09pm
    A fabulous, sprawling, opinionated and highly informative read, self-referentially incorporating a fair bit of code. If you want to know (a lot) more about the whole business of programming, how it works, what kind of people do it, why they do it,...
  • About time. However, though there might have been some improvements, it is still nothing like good enough yet. I usually work for a few hours with my laptop on battery each day and can normally rely on 6-8 hours of battery life, even with lots of...
  • Nice little tutorial from Donald Clark. Mostly very sound advice on good multiple-choice question design, with a very clear focus on formative rather than summative assessment, and with a good emphasis on providing useful feedback rather than just...
    • Mary McNabb November 19, 2015 - 5:31pm

      I guess multiple choice questions are an efficient way of "measuring knowledge". There was a prof from U. Alberta who did studied the MCQs on Alberta Education's standardized tests (Grades 3, 6, 9 and diploma exams in Grade 12) and came to the conclusion that they tested reading more than content. To prove his point, he showed us the patterns in the test and then gave us questions from a Math 31 test. Even though most of the audience had not taken Math 31 (calculus), we were able to answer the questions and get about 60% based on our knowledge of how the test was constructed. The strategies were very similar to the strategies on the TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, so that's how we taught test taking for achievement tests. 

    • Jon Dron November 19, 2015 - 7:20pm

      Nice example, Mary. It suggests to me that they are often just a good way to measure knowledge of how to do MCQs!

      I think objective tests are mostly OK for some basic fact-oriented subjects as long as they are used solely as a formative learning tool and not for accreditation. Even when you use tricks like confidence weightings to reduce the benefits of guessing to a minimum, they still tell us very little about what people can actually do, but they can in principle be a useful way for learners to figure out for themselves what they know about. Unfortunately, even when the marks count for nothing and they are the only people that will ever see the results, many learners still tend to try to game the system. I'm not sure whether that is in our nature or something we have learned, but it's weird.

  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark 10 free tools for creating infographics September 3, 2015 - 12:21pm
    Indeed - though Tufte's career has been pretty much all about how to do infographics right and he has produced some of the best ones around.  Ironically, his website is an impenetrable, ugly, disorganized mess.
  • Jon Dron bookmarked 10 free tools for creating infographics September 3, 2015 - 11:14am
    From Creative Bloq, a list of free tools, mostly web-based, for creating infographics. A good range here, from data visualization to diagramming tools and templates. I'm not a massive fan of the trend towards the indiscriminate use of infographics...
    • Richard Huntrods September 3, 2015 - 11:25am

      As someone who read Tufte back in the '80s, I would venture that ALL infographics are worthless. ;-)

    • Jon Dron September 3, 2015 - 12:21pm

      Indeed - though Tufte's career has been pretty much all about how to do infographics right and he has produced some of the best ones around.  Ironically, his website is an impenetrable, ugly, disorganized mess.

  • I like this idea, from Rick Falvinge. This is about the insidious effects of choosing to call the stuff that people create 'content', which implies a container, from which it is an easy step to assert ownership, control and property rights, leading...
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Resources for writing a dissertation September 1, 2015 - 10:02am
    Grainne Conole has shared this useful page of annotated links aimed at education masters students, including links to process guidance, tool tutorials, writing tips and guidelines, referencing standards, research methodology help, and theory. This...