Landing : Athabascau University


  • Slides from my keynote presentation at EdMedia 2015, discussing the issues with traditional educational methods, and some of the ways we can learn from and with a crowd. Some arguments presented that we should get rid of courses and disaggregate...
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark On learning styles June 22, 2015 - 7:23am
    Nice article, thanks Mary! I half agree with them re control though I think they confuse choice and control - very different things.  Sometimes learners need to delegate choices to others to be in control. The subtitle of my book says it all:...
  • Jon Dron bookmarked On learning styles June 19, 2015 - 1:45pm
    This post by James Atherton makes the case that, whether or not it is possible to identify distinctive learning styles or preferences, they are largely irrelevant to teaching, and are potentially even antagonistic to effective learning. Regular...
    • Jon Dron June 22, 2015 - 7:23am

      Nice article, thanks Mary! I half agree with them re control though I think they confuse choice and control - very different things.  Sometimes learners need to delegate choices to others to be in control. The subtitle of my book says it all: 'choosing when to choose'

    • Stuart Berry June 22, 2015 - 9:37pm

      My granddaughter (just finishing grade 6) brought home all of her school work at the end of the year today. She went through it on the floor and as I listened to her describe the documents she was sifting through I saw a complete series of pages discussing learning styles. No wonder there are issues and challenges at the post-sec level when students as early as 11 years old are taught all about learning styles and how to identify them and use them in their learning at this age. I asked her about this and I was impressed at her understanding of learning syles and how she was shown how to use them to support her learning. I really am not sure what to think about Gardner's learning styles and multiple intelligences and the impact of all of this on impressionable 11 year olds. My granddaughter did not need to hear grandpa ranting however.

    • Mary Pringle June 23, 2015 - 4:55am

      It seems that every generation ends up with something to unlearn at the end of K-12! I thinks it's great that various kinds of intelligence are acknowledged, but I hate to think that learners are taught to see themselves as defined by a preference for visual, auditory, haptic, etc., input. It would be better for every learner to develop as many learning strategies as possible and to learn skills like collaboration and presentation no matter what their level of sociability or introversion. Kids are so pliable. They can learn so many things in so many ways. We shouldn't limit them.

  • The first question that emerges for a free, encrypted, ad-free, unsurveilled, intentionally private, celebrating anonymity, social networking site and mobile app like this is 'How does it make enough money to support itself'? The answer appears to...
    • Minhaz Topaz July 27, 2015 - 1:17pm

      But yes, we have seen sites like Hi5, friendstar, myspace dissolve within half a decade. Facebook is not showing such sites yet cause I hate to say it but it seems to big to fail. We have seen dispora come and go. Wordpress has buddypress which is only being used as intranet sites ( which is also provided by sitecore, sharepoint and lots of other enterprise solutions which organizations seem to love more. 

      In my opinion, this model is not sustainable as of yet. I heard china and japan has their own version of facebook and the kids there love it. sites like are doing awesome because of the massive number of users. I think there is another motivation of such sites is the national and governmental pressure. Asian countries seem to have a negative opinion about existing social sites that are run from and by North america. The lack of availability (government shutting down access) is a great motivations for the new generation to move to these home (country) brewed solutions which never goes down. I am speaking from experience of Bangladesh's attempt to shut down facebook ( multiple times by the order of government and no one wants to go thru proxy to access facebook to post a selfie for the world to see. looks great. I will check it out but I doubt this will go anywhere without a big backing from some company or community. Now I go find my password for diaspora to see if there are any funny cat videos there. 

    • Jon Dron July 27, 2015 - 5:19pm

      No centralized site based entirely on the dynamics of networks is too big to fail, thanks to network effects that can destroy as fast as they build. Sadly, though, Facebook are making all the 'right' decisions from a shareholder perspective including the appalling - but all the wrong ones from a moral perspective. Even if Facebook itself (the site) shrank fast, the company itself is highly unlikely to fail, because it has diversified, very wisely making its bigger acquisitions not too tightly linked to the flagship.

      I never had any faith in Diaspora and it was never a threat - it was very telling that Zuckerberg himself invested some small change in it. It was a cute and well publicized idea by a bunch of smart young things who had no idea what they were doing. It was vapourware from the start, and they massively underestimated the complexity of what they were doing, even at a technical level, let alone a social level. At the time there were already at least half a dozen more mature and well considered projects attempting very much the same thing, but none could build the critical mass to take on Facebook.Ben Werdmuller is well worth reading on such things - - and has done quite a bit to do something about it, first with Elgg (the software behind this site) now with Known. I suspect that something like may be the kind of thing that could work.

      Out of left field, I'd say that Wordpress might well be the biggest, albeit the least obvious, threat to Facebook. With nearly a quarter of all sites on the entire Web running the software it is already significantly bigger than Facebook in terms of traffic and, possibly, even in users. It has over 60% of the CMS market so anything it does has a huge impact. It has some quite smart linking already (everything from RSS to trackbacks to social site integration, with many plugins capable of doing far more) so it would only take the widespread implementation of a decent social sharing standard with smart identity management for it to perform much the same kind of role as a distributed social network. Just a thought.

  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Episodic Disabilities and Post-secondary Education in Canada in the group Accessibility at AU June 10, 2015 - 12:27pm
    Hear hear! (excuse the unintended pun). I strongly believe that, at least for some students, online learning can greatly diminish the social distance, even and especially when compared with face-to-face teaching. The widely believed myth that...
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Episodic Disabilities and Post-secondary Education in Canada in the group Accessibility at AU June 9, 2015 - 10:32am
    It is disappointing that there was no mention of institutions like Athabasca and Teluq that bypass a fair number of these problems (although we do of course have our own special accessibility challenges). The assumption that post-secondary education...
  • It all sounds so reasonable - reward kids with play money for behaving the way you want them to behave. It is certainly, as the article explains, way better than punishing kids to make them behave the way you want them to behave. But, like all such...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Why so many questions? June 2, 2015 - 7:44pm
    Thanks Bob - I'm not sure where the 20/80 figure came from but it has surfaced in almost every discussion when the idea has been challenged as a justification, which seems very wrong-headed to me. It's like noticing there are lots of sick people...
  • Interesting bit of analysis from Medium, the makers of Pocket (which, self-referentially, I used to save this link to read - and bookmark here - later), showing that users of Pocket save and read articles of 2000-5000 words more often than those of...
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Open access: beyond the journal May 29, 2015 - 10:21pm
    Interesting and thoughtful argument from Savage Minds mainly comparing the access models of two well-known anthropology journals, one of which has gone open and seems to be doing fine, the other of which is in dire straits and that almost...
    • Elena Robinson May 30, 2015 - 7:57pm

      APA format style comes from print format originally..  

       I am not sure if users of small mobile devices will see the difference between APA and no-APA format


  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark The Voice Magazine - Interview with Vive Kumar May 29, 2015 - 9:53pm
    Thank you anonymous. Actually, thats false - we do need to bust that myth! See, for...
  • Vive Kumar waxes lyrical on the differences between online and face-to-face learning, the value of analytics, and the importance of culture and spirituality in learning. Good, thought-provoking stuff. I too get a bit sentimental about some of the...
    • Anonymous May 29, 2015 - 9:30pm

      On-line interactions -- more cheating involved,  than face-2-face 

      that is why "online version"  has  higher risk assessment  than face-2-face

      - Anonymous

    • Jon Dron May 29, 2015 - 9:53pm

      Thank you anonymous. Actually, thats false - we do need to bust that myth!

      See, for instance:


      There is plentiful other evidence to support this. Conversely, cheating in physical institutions is rife, particularly those that have not taken into account the fact that the Internet exists yet and continue to teach and test just as they always did, that make a huge issue out of the credentials they offer, and are surprised when students take shortcuts. Some reports reckon 70% or more cheat on exams, while figures are even higher for coursework, in physical institutions. In some countries the figures are higher still. This is an epidemic that, if it were a disease, would wipe out the human race.

      I suspect there are two main reasons that online cheating is no higher than face to face, despite some obvious temptations and apparent lack of oversight (another myth - we are awfully careful and have many tools at our disposal to detect and dissuade cheats). The first is that, on average, distance learning tends to attract motivated students that are really interested: it's still not an easy option, despite massive gains in recent years, so those that make it through tend to be very keen. The second is that, on average, those of us that teach online tend to think more carefully about the activities and assignments because we have to do so - there is no simple 'tell them in a lecture then test them' for us, so we have to build pedagogies that work and, on the whole, that discourage or disenable cheating. It's far from universally true - there's good and bad both online and off, and there are some awful for-profit accreditation-mills out there that let the side down royally - but on average these factors are quite significant.

  • Indeed, it does seem that cost-shaving played a role in this, however ineffectively. I don't think we should slavishly copy brick and mortar institutions that only do things that way because of the laws of physics and a tradition of one-to-many...
  • I totally agree, Richard. I was appalled that this model was even considered for a moment and the fact that it was actually implemented, even if only locally in a pilot that may yet be undone, makes me quite ashamed of my university. We should be...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Why so many questions? May 29, 2015 - 10:35am
    Thanks Wayne and Richard! I'm more than a little sceptical of the 80/20 claim. But perhaps it is true for some courses, or as an overall average, even if it bears no resemblance at all to those we teach. After all, the fact that we are on the...
  • Jon Dron published a blog post Why so many questions? May 28, 2015 - 9:59pm
    At Athabasca University, our proposed multi-million dollar investment in a student relationship management system, perhaps ironically dubbed the 'student success centre' (SSC), is causing quite a stir among faculty and tutors at the moment. Though...
    • Richard Huntrods May 29, 2015 - 11:17am

      If it could be hooked into a learning record store then it might be useful to record evidence of learning too

      Well, given the fact that it is unlikely we will ever see the moodle gradebook hooked to the Newton grading system, I really doubt any other hookup will occur.

      We seem to becoming a really great "tail wags the dog" university. SCC is by/of/for admins and not academics and especially not tutors, email is going away - at least functional email is likely to disappear soon IMO, and so many other systems are driven by anything except academic requirements. Academics are in danger of becoming an extinct species around this place.

    • Robert Heller June 2, 2015 - 2:44pm

      Thanks for the post Jon. The 20/80 split btw academic and administrative is a red hering.I have no doubt that the split switches for tutors because we call tutors for academic questions and call centres for admin help. Seems reasonable. Context is important.

      The key measure is the actual frequency of academic calls (emails, phone, ?) compared to actual tutor numbers that we don't collect or reliably report. Does the SSC inhibit academic contact? I suspect it does since it certainly generates alternate paths to AE contact.


      I also agree that siphoning resources away from the academic side to service a real student admin need will further weaken our ability to engage students. 

      I would like to see the consolidation bewteen the Info centre, helpdesk and the admin side of the SSC consolidate so that scale and efficiencies could be realized. Regardless of the split, the numbers from SSC reveal, at the very least, there is a real need by students for this type of service, a service that should be funded by admin side, not the academic side.



    • Jon Dron June 2, 2015 - 7:44pm

      Thanks Bob - I'm not sure where the 20/80 figure came from but it has surfaced in almost every discussion when the idea has been challenged as a justification, which seems very wrong-headed to me. It's like noticing there are lots of sick people dying of an easily preventable disease and choosing to increase the efficiency of hospital treatments instead of preventing it in the first place.

      Consolidation makes sense - one place to shout 'help' with the assurance of being heard seems quite reasonable to me: it could be the start of a bit of useful relationship-nurturing if we did it right. I'm much in favour of a better help tool that could help to connect people as well as to provide answers and generate useful data to support improved learning. It could be done, though it would be foolish, slow and costly to attempt to do it with GreyMatter or any other off-the-shelf CRM tool.

      @Richard - I think the Gradebook problem (which should at last be resolved this year) is largely due to the over ambitious attempt to replace Newton in one fell swoop. Integration would have been a much safer and quicker approach and could have eventually led to replacement at a later date. As long as we use open standards and tools, and we don't outsource the wrong things, incremental evolution works better in IT systems most of the time. The trouble is that, from an IT departmental perspective, replacement looks cheaper. This is because the cost of maintaining integrated systems can be quite high, thanks to all those interlinked dependencies, which can really tie up an IT department with inadequate resources and tortuous waterfal processes (ie us).  It's just a local saving though. The cost to the organization as a whole of making people adapt to machines rather than vice versa, at least when the organization is fairly large, typically far outweighs the IT department's savings. It's localized thinking that causes the dog-wagging problem. Systems theory should be a prerequisite course for all IT managers. At the very least, all should be required to read Sytemantics!

  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Athabasca River Flood May 28, 2015 - 9:33pm
    Public domain from
  • Over the past ten years, the 'golden triangle' (the sequence of where people look when viewing Google search results and, indeed, many web pages) has changed to a fuzzy line straight down the left of the page. It used to be that people started on...
  • To be fair, there's not much you could do with this $77 printer - it needs a fair bit more stuff added to it before it is fully functional, and more than a bit of assembly and skill is required to make it work. None-the-less, this is a sign of a...
    • Anonymous July 12, 2015 - 7:42pm

      they are not ready yet. sorry

      - c

    • Jon Dron July 12, 2015 - 10:57pm

      I'm going to find out soon - my first 3D printer (rather more expensive than this) is about to be ordered! I've held off for a good decade but the time has come to experiment. This is the future - maybe not yet perfectly formed and certainly unevenly distributed, but it is here already - and I'd like to know what it holds in store.

  • Excellent points! Sometimes, having an avenue closed by legislation can spark inventiveness and lead to new opportunities. In some ways I am quite glad that (for instance) we are excluded from hosting with Google, Microsoft or Amazon, because it...