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  • Mohamed Essonni published a blog post COMP 361: My advice and reflections on Assignment 2 April 22, 2022 - 3:09pm
    The difficulties I experienced completing assignment 2 in COMP 361 and how I dealt with them
  • Mohamed Essonni published a blog post COMP 361: My advice and reflections on Assignment 1 April 1, 2022 - 3:09pm
    The difficulties I experienced completing assignment 1 in COMP 361 and how I dealt with them
    • Adam F Goodier May 15, 2022 - 8:14pm

      Going through this actually helped me a lot with keeping attention to detail and being very strict with the project memos and other information. I took about 4 days to get through it all given that the first day was really just trying to get the big picture of it all. I finalyl got some inertia at the end of day 2 and was easy sailing from day 3 onwards. I only spent about 2-3 hours a day on this. 

      I was wondering why you were so specific about going through the entire case study and actually highlight each sentence that might incite a use case event. So far I feel that my use cases are complete. But the assignment did say 'all' the use cases. And I definitely didn't do all the events I could think of because it's only 22 marks. But it would be the first time I was jipped marks for being slightly incompletel. I just cant imagine coming up with ALL use cases.... That would be almost impossible I would think

      Highlighting the use case sentences was a great idea. I actually took it a step further and printed out all 10 pages of the case study, Highlighted the sentences and then stuck them up on my wall for quick viewing. I have to say my wall looks ugly, but this strategy has panned out to work extremely well. Because of the nature of the project, and im sure anyone can attest to this. We're constantly required to go back and forth and back and forth to look at the details of the case study, well instead of scrolling and control efing, I know just look above my my desk and its easy breazy pumkin squeezy, I suggest everyone do this. My productivity went up significantly after implementing this.